Tree of Savior Forum

Relic 20? For god sake

crown is not the first stuff they trivialized.
trivializing doesnt mean they will improve it for a higher point simply just because ktos have it because like in many occasion stated, they regret the existence of crown, i myself found its stupid piece of gear which gave them trouble balancing mobs hp and skills.
Also most of the trivialized stuffs are ignored and discontinued instead of improved. They would just create another new item which basically the same and just gimmicky.
like stats gem into aether gem, skill gem and random stats into earring, unique effect of weapon, ark, acc alike into belt etcs.


Damn right
In couple months imc will give me free jump to 470, free earring and free item to reroll the lines
Meanwhile today players farming hours, spending millions, rmt to get what I will get for free or by buying package
They will ruin the feature itself, making it extremely affordable even for newbie to give illusion of equal standing to these newcomer just cause Imc created something else to keep players busy
Of all the thing they trivialize, ark is the most sh**ty trivializing, next to it legend/goddess cards, then attributes
I remember eons ago my old pal in game farming in map for hours with his sr selling his loots when drop was not messed up just to buy attribute point back when 1m+ and all boost attribute lv100 is something grand, not something everyone can have. He was so cool back then when attribute point voucher isn’t a thing, now attribute points is like some cheap dirt spoonfed every event possible.
Idk why they haven’t realize it yet that all those trivializing disrespect players effort and turn what made it special and the journey of achieving it into trash.
That’s one among many reasons players leave.
Pull yourself together imc

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This situation gets even worse when they only ignore us and don’t tell us any information about it

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