Tree of Savior Forum

Release Goddess Saule Quest MAJOR BUG

this my video

I meant a video for the lil entrance on the right side to access the quest… obviously…

soo still no word when this will be fixed?

bump this needs more attention…

I was able to jump around to a spot where I was right next to her and I was able to finish the quest.

freaking fix this bug already!!! been almost a month now!!!

FIX THIS FREAKING QUEST!! TWO MONTHS NOW!!! ffs now this is just stupid!!!

I just completed this quest today in 2 alts. I think that the problem is between the screen and the chair.

Its a bug thats persisted since the dawn of time. Known to happen during periods of server instability. If servers ever experience problems in the future, this is sure to cause major problems for players again like it usually does.