Tree of Savior Forum

Reincarnate on Boss

For so long as I was a chronomancer, I kept on trying reincarnating bosses, dungeon or mission instances. Well I did try and successfully reincarnated the last boss (Wood/Tree) on Siauliai mission run, but instead of it having a low hp, as it usually happens on other boss (Golem, Mole and Poata), it was literally reincarnated to 100% HP, which is unusual as for my experience in those 3 other bosses. Well we all know that after killing this last boss there’ll be a timer and it’s just about a minute for you to be teleported out, and how will we be able to kill a boss within that time with its shock absorption and full 100% hp lol. I hope this gets to IMC and hopefully they would fix it soon since it’s so hard to reincarnate bosses since it’s really have a low chance and the skill would really be a waste if not fixed soon.

Lower right the timer turns 00:00 then we got teleported out right after.

i thought we couldn’t reincarnate them?

what lvl do you have the skill on ?

Btw i have a question on when touse the skill , do i use it few seconds before it dies ? And the skill duration means if it works thats the timer to kill so it can reincarnate ? If its not then shows u the failed blabla?

Wait wasnt it “Backmasking” that caused them to have lower hp? Reincarnate has always ressed them to full afaik o-o.

I had a few runs with Chronos and every ress (some on poata some on mole) brought them back to full. Wasnt it backmasking that “reset” them to their ‘low hp’?

I’ve heard its a random chance for full hp, but as of lately, it seems that if you do manage to reincarnate a boss, it gets full hp. Normal field monsters still get the low hp reincarnate.

Everyone usually has the skill set to level 1 and time the reincarnate right before it dies because of the 6 sec time frame you have to kill it. I usually body hug the boss as to not miss the cast range.

Backmask turns back time to whatever was there with whatever health they were at. It’s AOE and can be used to bring back bosses, shiny monsters (maybe?), dead teammates. I haven’t gotten backmask yet, but that’s what I know about it.

And it feels like the rate of reincarnate has dropped a lot, I haven’t reincarnated a mission boss in over 5 runs already :frowning:

Both false. Only brings back dead party members.

So far, I can reincarnate all bosses on this mission run, I tried it also on dungeon instances (90, 115, 130, 145, 175) but I never get to reincarnate the bosses there, so I think we can’t do it there Lol. My skill is only Level 1, cause I think it doesn’t effect the chance rate but only the duration of the buff.

You should use it at around 10-50k HP of the boss, depending on how your party do DPS. If your party kills it slow, then go around 10k. But if its fast, around 20-50k, cause you might get knock down-ed or killed in the process, and take note, level one of the skill only lasts for around 6secs so you should kill it within that time. Something will pop-up if it failed, but sometimes that doesn’t show, you’ll see a buff on the boss if it will take effect, it looks like the skill icon and the duration depends on what skill level yours is.

No, I don’t even have that skill (backmasking) yet. Well this was my experience, I reincarnated those 3 other bosses (Golem, Mole and Poata) and yes, all of them was low hp when they were reincarnated.

Well I always manage to reincarnate the other 3 bosses, as I said, this is basing from my experience, and yes they are all low HP, around 30-60k HP, and then here comes the Tree with full HP lol. I don’t have the backmasking yet so I haven’t tried it and actually I don’t get the description of it haha!

Yeah, maybe this is true, but I hope IMC would fix the skill descriptions, not only this class but all of it, cause they’re kinda lacking, it’s like “Surpriseee!! There’s a hidden description of the SKILL!!” LOL

Yeah reincarnate would be totally useless if this skill would also reincarnate mobs/bosses, you should think “What’s the point of having reincarnate, if you can use this other skill to reincarnate them anyway.” But yeah, I still don’t have any experience of that skill cause I don’t have it yet LOL.

So I guess, this skill is nerfed since last maintenance (July 5, 2016) I reincarnated 2 bosses in one run (Mole and Poata), they both had full HP when reincarnated. So, I guess it was nerfed without it being on the patch notes, or I was just lucky before reincarnating 5-8x before which all were low HP. Anyway I hope they fix skill descriptions from now on.

Just did a 140 dungeon where I reincarnated 2 of 3 bosses. They both had less than 10% health.

Yes, I was able to reincarnate 2 bosses also with both having 50k HP, Poata(bear) and Golem. So I think there’s a greater chance of having them at low HP, but for the Woodspirit, I think it’s higher chance to have it at full HP, or even impossible to reincarnate it at low HP cause I haven’t encountered a single Chronomancer to say that he was able to reincarnate it and for it to have less than 10% of HP

Its luck i reincarnated tree twice with 10% hp