Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding the Korean Service Specs

This. no more words needed. :thumbsup:

Thank you @STAFF_John and of course the whole IMC Team for the little sign of life on the intl side ;^)


Hello. Thanks a lot for info.

As far as i know if you aint decided on monetization for int version we wont have this game ready for like 2-3 years, because you know, making money is priority in any gamedev.

Or you are lying.

Simple as that.

Perfect example of how you can’t make everyone happy. They could have cheap cash shop items and people will complain how shitty the items are. People like you make me chuckle.

Well first of all items can be not so good.
But saying things like “you are lying” here is not so smart.

Thank you johnny boy, you’re the hero this community needs, not the one it deserves.

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I seriously doubt this game will make it to full release in 2 months. I think you should be more realistic. Your probably looking at something like 6months.

MIsaaa ;3

Are u playing KTOS?

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In this 2 months we needvto see a big beta close or open.

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I wouldn’t say we NEED to but expecting a beta is more likely.

we need to know that imc have the man power to run korean , international and japanese servers at the same time like they did say they will. so far it’s not like this.
if you know or not they did say korean and international will launch at the same time. sadly nexon launched the korean and it will most likely force them to take all man power they can to work on the korean servers problems.

I would be more upset if they released our version in this current state. The more bugs that get worked out on the Korean side the better for us down the road.

Thats what I been thinking too. I feel as if IMC is taking the data and player concerns from KToS to make their International version more optimized and better. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Koreans end up leaving KToS in masses just because the iToS is better overall.

P.S. This is just wishful thinking =)


I won’t hold my breath on you guys pulling a 180 here, but I appreciate the sentiment all the same.

No, I’m one of the few waiting for iobt :’(

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Please be Tree of Saviours and not (Money-Tree of Nexon)

@ lans123123123123123123123123123 the xpert mmorpg designer

we dont need a long beta, whats needed is a test server


Yes a test server with people who will actually test things, and not complain about minuscule stuff.

minuscule stuff like you call it was what made Space Shuttle Columbia blow up into bits and HIV is pretty minuscule too…

so cut the crab about how minuscule stuff can be… every single bit count and people has the right to talk about everything they dislike as much as what they love and hopefully the other way around too…

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Horrible analogies, but let me be more specific. Minuscule things like " Why don’t all classes have dash?" or “This cash shop hair costs too much.” This is a game we are discussing about not a multi million dollar space shuttle or HIV.

ok let me put it simple for you…

“Say, lets pretend this grain is one of those minuscule things people complain about”

cant tell WTF I cant post youtube videos here