Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding sorcerer C1

is it viable to pick up sorcerer circle one just for the summmon servant skill? or would it be better to pick linker 2? currently wiz c3 linker 1

No Sorc C1 is pretty bad due to terrible AI the only really good skill from C1 is Summon Servant for the cat buffs. If you plan on actually using the summon in any meaningful way you need sorc c2 for the control skills.
Edit sorc C1 also doesn’t go very well with wiz 3 as you don’t get any benefit from quick cast with sorc abilities.

yeah thats why i said i would go for it only for the cat buff, if not i would get linker again, necro and featherfoot

I need to read better. Also your probably better off with the linker necro featherfoot route.

i thought so but thanks for the asnwer, looks like i have lots of magic missles to fire before i get another attack spell T_T

Well… the Cat could be good for your Flesh Cannon and Ngadhundi, which both need better AoE Attack Ratio

yaeah but wouldnt link compesate for that? i was just thinking it as a party buff

I’m nearing circle 7 as a Wiz/Cryo/Linker/Linker/Sorc/Necro, and I personally find the “need” for C2 overblown. It’s nice, but not absolutely necessary, especially if you consider him a tanking nuker used in bursts rather than for AFK farming. You can stretch his leash a bit if you position yourself properly (for example, in Siauliai I can position TS so he constantly shoots at the golem even when I’m completely out of his large aoe). To be perfectly honest, I find Sorc 2 completely underwhelming, and I’ll likely take either Warlock or possibly necro.

How underwhelming are we talking about? Because my next rank is rank 5 and I need to decide whether to get Linker 3 or Sorc 1 for my Necro/Linker build.

If you’re choosing between Linker 3 and Sorc 1 for rank 5, it’s Sorc 1 9999 times out of 10000. Linker is already currently a gimped class with both official and ninja nerfs, and linker 3 doesn’t add anything at all save for a few more links in JP. Sorc 1 at least gives you a worthwhile buff (Cat), a meatshield when you’re soloing (Salamion), and a decent DPS/tank in bursts (Temple Shooter).

Here is a quick video Im Cryo C3 Sorc 1 of Templeshooter (the only summon worth using) in action. I moved around a bit to try to show the short leash range.

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So Umbilical Cord is just a bad skill atm?

Spiritual chain had the types of buffs it shared nerfed severely, not to mention the umbilical cord only has a 50% uptime. It just doesnt offer enough to justify an entire circle. Also, I’m fairly sure spiritual chain has a max distance like JP, because i’ve had them break before the timer was up before. If the chain goes, so does the cord.

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is that in ITOS?

i see that the summon still follows you when you are over the leash area even when there are monsters beside it and he is near you.

and that leash is small… :frowning:

Yeah its current ITOS I made the video for the thread. The leash mechanics and range are really bad. Its really noticeable on any boss where you need to run out of aoe range.

Sorc 1 Temple Shooter isn’t nearly as bad as others make it out to be. With some practice you will only take a small portion of damage before Temple Shooter has most of the aggro. You just need to be able to maintain the right distance while doing your other skills. I do recommend a shield + rod though since you will take a couple of hits.

Templeshooter is the only useable summon with the current leash you can tank some bosses with it and stand just outside of the bosses attack range while it hits Templeshooter. Any other summon is garbage right now due to the leash range though. Which is a shame since Deathweaver looks great and is all i really want to use.