Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding Monster Gems being untradeable

So just now I got myself a Stumpy Tree Gem and I wanted to sell it but apparently it was untradeable/cannot be traded as shown in red text

I’d just like to say that these things should be tradeable as it doesn’t make much sense if you can’t even use it because you’re not going for the class with the skill that it improves nor have it transferred to another character just so you can use it.

can you provide a screenshot ? I never saw a skill gem drop. Also, if they are really untradeable, it has to be changed. Whats the point for an Archer, dropping a Wizard gem ? Bad design.

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I agree haha

You can try add it to socket and sell it include those gear. That’s only way to trade it for now I guess.

you didnt have to blur it though. A little research showed that its the skill gem for Barbarians Seism skill. It doesnt even say untradeable :neutral_face:

Try put it in market it said this item is untradeable so I doubt is the normal trade would work.

I got one as well, but mine doesn’t specify which skill I get. I also tried adding it into my weapon, and it didn’t do anything.

Likewise the one I found also can’t go on market… and I couldn’t upgrade it:

They do need to be tradable imo…

What I want to test is… can you socket it in to a trade-able gear, trade that gear and the other person take it out?

Skill should work since only description are bug. If nothing change then it’s not skill you have.

I believe it’s limit at lv 1 and can’t be level up.
That should work as long as gear have potential to trade.

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It is 100% save to socket and unsocket gems right? (the only downside is loseing xp when you unsocket?)

Yes. And this monster gem won’t get any penalty down when unsocket because it can’t level up star. Test by me on KR server.

Are you down for a trade? I could use yours cause I use concentrate.

Thank you for the help

Have you tried using it to + one of your gems? It gives a HUGE exp boost to them, like the one i had was 15k exp.

Other than that theyre useless until all the game information is setup for them.

Well you can look of skill list on tosbase

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I am fine to trade it, I’ll even give it to you for the low low price of 10k -unless you feel its worth more… just to cover all the cost of socketing it and buying something to socket it… and all that stuff…

I will be around channel 2 blacksmith for a little bit if you want it… Same name as here.

Edit: Oh you have the other one (not paying attention), Then yeah I’ll trade it even up… Not actually worried about transfer cost… haha…

sorry i just got home from work. are you still online?

yeah for a little bit longer. I can be around the same blacksmith for a bit before I am done for today. only ch4 cause 2 is full I guess…

you are in laima right?

I forgot all about severs haha so I can’t actually help you cause I went with the Z one that I’m not gonna try to spell…

Ah well…