Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding invisible issue

Please help me, i already verified integrity but when i log in some of equips still invisible, help me to fix this please. Thanks, any suggestion wld be appreciate

Hi @dlozano2109! We are aware of this issue and our dev team is looking into it. For now, kindly try to verify integrity of your game files since this workaround fixed the problem on some players.

I am also having this issue with my female archer trump costume. I verified the integrity, and the problem persists.

This is ridiculous!

Not only do we STILL have that obnoxious Party Quest Bug, which is a “feature” for us for almost 2 and a half MONTHS already, with literally ZERO comments from IMC about it, not only do we have bug exploiters having ZERO consequences for abusing game and economy breaking bugs, all of that with complete silence from IMC, we have this pathetic bug, with annoying, mechanical responses from this forum’s staff with a “solution” that works for LITERALY NO ONE, and we go through that for a WEEK, with NO fixes, for a bug that impacts directly with people that used REAL LIFE MONEY on this thing.

I tought, for an insane little second, that IMC would at least try to solve the problems impacting paying costumers. Guess I was wrong. Why should I bother with the new “dlc pack”, if it’s probably going to be just as buggy as the 200 TP hair style I bought with my own money?

I still have hope for this game, but this company is doing its best to kill my hope week after week.

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You’re completely right, it’s a lack of respect with the players, especially with those who spent real life money on this, like me. What makes me sad is to think that, If they don’t even solved the party quest bug yet, which is a “serious” issue, let alone this costume issue…

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