Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding for Random Party Matchmaking! IMC pls take a look!

Sometimes im see 3 clerics in one random party :slight_smile:
Totaly agree, this system need some attention.

There everyone goes again, crying for the easy way out.

here it goes again Whiteknights of IMC!

Oh whoops. Its 80% I screwed up and put 450% for some reason thinking about something else.

  • 2 Players (180%)
  • 3 Players (220%)
  • 4 Players (280%)
  • 5 Players (350%)
  • 5 Players with 4 unique archetype classes (400%)

@vintello_iro Source?


Dear god no. Don’t remind me of long queue times back in FF14. Let them fix the command fail first.

It’s 600% bonus and 400% bonus

The total is more like this:

100% + 600% = 700% split in a pt of 5 = 140% ea

100% + 400% = 500% split in a pt of 5 = 100% ea (Normal EXP)

@vintello_iro @mindplayspiano @Brobbulus

PS: SoloQ advantage is that you gain bonus exp even with duplicated classes. (2 Hops, 2 HL, 2 WIZ … )

EDIT: Everyone is overreacting, since you can gain 130% EXP with a full premade and a tome, that not counting pack bonus EXP, it’s more fun with friends and you have higher chancer of winning without dying.

Where did you find the source for this? Mine is from the patch notes. Pretty sure its not as high as you say.

I lost my EXP book huh
IMC pls hurry fix it

450% bonus on premade.
If it has 4 different classes (archer, wiz, swordy, mage).


Difference is 30% less exp earned.

As that 600% gets SPLIT to all 5 xD.
If you want the best exp … run it solo with an tank that will leave the share range of exp.

… you must fail on math.

The bonus they give is mulipicative not additive.
And yes, it works that way xD…

100%*600% increase= 600%

For example.

at least you can enter into dungeon 115 xDD i spent 40 minutes waiting for a party to be found xD, with no success i moved on into questing