Tree of Savior Forum

Regarding Dungeon Entry Window / Button Positioning

I dont know it this just happened to me or anyone else…
Does anyone feels annoyed when the Dungeon Entry Window delayed when click on them…and when they load it loads into Enter button without warning…
Often alot of times i lost 1 run of Daily Dungeon Entry because of this small Window / Button positioning…

My suggestion is this…
The current Window Button for Dungeon Entry…


Can easily avoid getting this annoying instant Entry to dungeon without warning without editing the script as much with just…
changing the position of the …

Search for Party
Do Not Enter


Search for Party
Do Not Enter

its that simple…

ive wrote and edit game NPC script before…
i know its not that hard…

this will ease alot of player who have delay regarding UI Window load…and accident wont happen and waste an Entry…its already 3 per day…and losing one is annoying >_>