Tree of Savior Forum

Refund suggestion

I just come with an idea of refunding TP stuff system, came when I saw that there wasn’t a preview button of new dyestuffs and lenses.
Some kind of refund system will be pretty nice for everyone, if you ask me I’d choose between having some hour limit (for example buying a costume or lens and you can’t return it back if an hour has passed since you bought it). Or maybe something like a 3 refunds per account, meaning that you refund a TP item no matter how many time have passed but only 3 times in that life account.

Maybe the first option is the best one for everyone, but the second one is the best for IMC and even this one would be pretty nice.

…wot? does dye and contact lenses “Permanent” and not like hair color on F1 as clickable options?

anyone here who have bought these item and confirm this?

Can u rephase ur sentance properly? i cant seem to understand u

I have bought the lens and hair dye, the Hair Dye appears in ur F1 Tab which i think is not reversible, as for lens wise, it appears on ur equipment tab, which u can wear and take off.


if you bought a hair dye the color will be “Added” on the F1 tab or would it “Replace” your current standard hair color? coz I’m confuse about “not reversible” quote here.

It will give u the item as shown on the TP shop, u will have to right click it, and it will be Added to ur F1 Tab.

U can change the hair color as and when u wish from the F1 Tab

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When i mean by not reversible is like once u have consume the hair dye item, it will not longer be able to be undo and it wiil remain on ur character forever

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thanks for clearing things up!

No problem :smiley: . I am enjoying my Ash blonde hair color <3 so coooooooooool

please give us a favor and post a screen shot here. everyone is waiting to have a preview of those dye and contact lenses. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Game is on maintanence atm cant do anything now

Kinda hard to do a Fedimian Mission while posting, eventho seems like other people understood me so I won’t make an effort just becasue you don’t get it.

It wasnt for u so dont worry, and if u cant seem to bother to make the effort, theres no reason for anyone to give a crap about ur post either

Hair color on my char :

Hair color on F1 Tab :


Actually I edited it, you can reply other people aswell as you have done right now.

Btw if you can’t understand what I typed first isn’t my fault, but if you really think a suggestion like this is a crap post well, I expect you wish the best for the game ^^

Won’t discuss anymore, gl.