Tree of Savior Forum

Reflect Shield Not so bad afterall?

Hello fellow wizards, so i was resetting on a whim, because i found i never used surespell i decided i would try reflect shield at level 250.

So im standing in moksul chamber, tried it out and i want to say the reflect is garbage they where hitting me for like 144 damage but i was reflecting 8, however when reflect shield came off i noticed they where then hitting me for 255 damage i played around with it a little and it seemed reflect shield mitigated 100 or so damage after further testing i went to a mob that is going to do a significant amount more damage so i went to fortress battlegrounds first teleport that popped into my head i didn’t want to walk to like almeth or evac and tried it on a Blue temple slave he was hitting me for 900ish, with reflect shield 900ish while reflecting 8 LOL so the point still stands reflect shield is garbage IMC fix this skill please thank you for reading and expecting a different result. This skill is SO bad that it helps keep AGGRO on me when im trying to pawn aggro off on my summon.

Will keep it for the cool effect because i have literately nothing else to put the points in


I like RS’s concept but the way it works right now is complete trash.

An option would be to increase number of max reflections and duration by leveling the skill and add damage reflect % on attributes, capping at 35-40%. That way RS would actually be useful.

I think it’s because it scales with SPR, and DPS Wizard doesn’t spend a single point on it so the scale it’s pretty badly and the base reflect doesn’t scale well despite how much you lvl it up.

5 at lvl 1 > 75 at lvl 15, so 5 damage reflection per lvl.

I agree with you.

But even if someone invest in SPR the damage is flat and reduced by the enemy’s defense.

If they change it to % will be much more useful, but i guess they don’t want that xD

I believe it used to be really useful but got nerfed and since then it became useless.

I mainly use Reflect Shield because as long as it’s active it does not make your character flinch when being hit.

RS wouldnt be a bad skill if Lethargy got scaling with SPR (or INT/2) as well.