Tree of Savior Forum

Reconsider the IPFilter

Hello and good day to all IMC staff and developer.
Firstly, forgive me for not having proper english because English is not my native language, my feedback probably will kinda get repetitive, but i’ll try my best to deliver my feedback properly and get to the point.

Okay, recently from the iCBT FAQ stated that they’re going to sort out the tester where they already have their local publisher, that means some people won’t be able to play the International version of ToS regardless of their effort to play the game and stuck with their local publisher.
I have my own reason too why i don’t like my local publisher such as past experience. the community inside the game, and something else i’m sure people would agree with me.

So with recent IMC regulation, i think you guys are a bit too harsh, please don’t exclude the previous CBT tester, have a bit leniency for them. At least let the people Ex: who already registered before you announced your filtering regulation or the CBT 1 participant, to play without fear of not be able to play in the near future.
That’s a better way limiting people without sacrificing the previous one because they’re the first one to promote their ToS experience to their closest friend or relative, their number also won’t impact much to the local ToS publisher. A win-win solution. That’s all i want to said, thank you for your time reading this.

-Reconsider the IPFilter Rules.
-At least let the CBT1 player play without worrying of IPFilter.

Unfortunately I think this would be a little out of IMC’s hands. IMC has contracts with local publishers so it would break that contract to allow something like this.

I don’t disagree with you, they have contract yes, but i think if the CBT1 happen before the contract with local publisher then it wouldn’t breach the contract. If it’s breach the rules, i just expect some leniency from them, it’s the CBT player they’re excluding. Just crossing my finger here hoping to play the International one better than playing the local one.

The only way now is you making a VPN account, create a new steam account based on the IP location you will get from the VPN server and add any key that you may get (if you are lucky they wont revoke your chance to receive one since they will be filtering the regions with a local publisher), and play the game. Like i said on another post about the same issue, imo its a hassle and i dont think its something worth for a month test, but if you plan on staying for a long term and wont mind VPN prices why not? Its just that IMC may or may not consider filtering those VPN IP’s in the long run of testing.

I already got the key from CBT1, almost missed the CBT1.
When you said it’s a hassle, yeah i know it pretty well, it’s a real hassle, but in my opinion a month of first CBT tester still worthy, they’re the first to found bug, error and so many other reason, so it’s kinda harsh just to trash them like that, so there’s that.
About VPN, some people are able to pay a premium VPN or some are not, free VPN is not really dependable and may cause trouble for the user, and i don’t really want to argue about that, so yeah i’m just calling out their kind heart to show some leniency to those CBT tester including me.

I know where you come from, but when i meant hassle was about paying something to play something free (in this case a VPN service), free VPN is a no go, unless you dont bother being infected or hacked or DDOSed or being spyed on. One that worked for free and was reliable at least was frooty VPN but now its only paid version, im saying its hassle since the dollar here on my country is around 4x the price of my local currency, so for me is a no go for such stuff, which once i wanted to have to play something on Korea and China. For now we are on CBT phase, but who knows what IMC decide on future, i know the reason behind ip blocking regions with publishers is, if they dont do that, whats the reason to have a publisher if more than half of the users will play on international version, then, they (the publishers) would had to drop the game and and IMC probably had to pay some kind of compensation (its just my guess on this, i dont know what kind of contract they do on those kind of business), so its definetly not worth for both sides.

i doubt that they r srsly IP blocking evryone from icbt2, if that would be the case, u prbly couldnt even visit this site here… evryone who tried to access the indonesian tos site for example, wasnt even able to connect, they said they will exlude the ones that signed up for the icbt2 beta via filtering them and not sending them any keys… since the game runs via steam, i’d think that ppl who get a key(for whatever reason) or have a key from icbt1, will still be able to play, but with them announcing the IPFiltering for keys they already shrink numbers of ppl that try to get in… for example, since u had a icbt1 key, try to get to the loginscreen, if the patcher lets u update and pass to the loginscreen, then there is no active IP block on steam yet… and tbh… i’ve not heard of any steamgame running active IP blocks so far

Indeed that could be one thing, but you forgot that developers/publishers that distribute on Steam plataform can set the game to not be show/donwloaded from the regions they set during the setup of the game distribution, so even if many already have the instalation files from the first cbt, steam will simple send an message when you try to open the game saying your region is not allowed to play/install the game as per developer/publisher request.

well its only me guessing, i’m not saying it will 100% be like that, i’ve not seen a game on steam do this so far tbh… i think alone the announcement that those regions will be excluded made 50-70% of the ppl from that region quit even trying to get into the beta at all

and i never have seen the option to regionlock my published game on steam when i set it up for launch …maybe thats diffrent for non-indies :confused:

Ah there is, i dont remember qute the game right now, i think i do have it on my library (over 90 games so i cant remember and i dont have all of them installed either), and in some games that i take interest i generaly go on the game discussion area to check what others think and how the company aproach the players.

I dont know, it could be something to do with law of certian countries or simple the publisher asking for it to be, i remember there was a game that was banished from Brazil due to the violence, if im not wrong is that one from bullying they release some years ago. Not sure tho since i dont take interest of games for weak minded people (and im talking about both sides, the bullies and the ones suffering it, note that this is just my PoV on the case).


IP Filter is a must… or it will give trouble with the legal units of their lizense holders.
Sadly to say. That wont help you.

I suggest paying for a good proxy service, so you can play with a bit worser lag…

IMC wont make trouble forthemself.
They sold off any rights to publish the game to these other publishers, for these specific regions.
Would be not so happy as paying publisher … if 20% of my possible customers are in the International servers. Even if my ba dpolicies are the reasons… i’m money hungry…

The game download is free for all.
But you cant connect to the game via certain IP adresses. Which is unique to your countrys providers.

For someone good with IT stuff, its easy to mask that.
Otherwise you will need a proxy server, which reroutes all the data between you and the game in a land that isnt IP blocked.
That’s how youtube unblocker works… as exasample.

Yeah, for publishers its a question of money, they dont care if the game is bugged or dont work some parts, as long as its a success and people come to play and expend money, they are fine.

Lazyness and PR. Why block people from your main international forum site?

I think they mean that the forum is on the same server as the game server, but i doubt it, since the forum is up way before than they annouced which host they would be using for the game server.

I they have already an test ongoing, theres an contract.
Most games contract out this stuff … way way way earlier then even going Open Beta.

It’s an influx of money. While the game isnt finished. Which will either fill the pockets of investors or the mountains of data valleys to create.

Yea the real world doesn’t work like that. To knowingly allow you to participate after the contract would still be a breach.

I don’t say they have to remove the IPFilter, just have to reconsider it on when to apply it.

Even T*RA has their own leniency about those IPFilter, don’t get me wrong, i fully understand the true intention of IPFilter, i also know every publisher has different policy and as i said above, i just seek their kind heart to let the CBT1 people, their early fans to play freely in the near future.

Some people maybe won’t be bothered with a bit hassle using certain way to play the game, some won’t trouble themself for a free game, but if they care for their fans and willing to show some leniency, this could ease my fellow CBT1 tester worries, that’s all.

End of words, thank you all for the constructive comment, i don’t expect my feedback would get some reply :smile:

Won’t happen contracts are in place if you want to participate use a vpn or something.

It’s CEO buisness sadly.

I can understand why they sell licenses.
Money influx without risks.

Hard to change anything up after you got the money for it xD.