Tree of Savior Forum

Rebuild's Alchemist pot

i read somewhere in KTos thread that Alchemist SP Pot now will be different based on something and it will be stronger than NPC pot, did someone still remember?

and why is majority of alchemist video at youtube paired with chrono?



In red are the Alchemist HP potions [lvl 7 to level 15], to the right we have the old initial recovery value (the total recovery value is twice the amount as it recovers it on use and then once again over 15 seconds) and then the new value.

Since ± only lvl 15 potions matter, we may say that the initial recovery was increased from 2765 HP to 5614 HP.

In blue are the Alchemist SP potions [lvl 10 to level 15], to the right we have the old initial recovery value (the total recovery value is twice the amount as it recovers it on use and then once again over 15 seconds) and then the new value.

Since ± only lvl 15 potions matter, we may say that the initial recovery was increased from 917 SP to 1288 SP.

Aside these changes, the CD time was reduced to 15 seconds and the weight reduced by approximately 1/3 [new weight is 10 for the HP potion and 7 for SP potion].

as NPC pots have 25 seconds CD time and retain the old values, Alchemist potions are much more valuable in Re:build.


alchemist stat doesnt matter with the pot right? not like pardoner or cleric?

nope, your stats don’t matter.
Only the level of Tincturing as it influences the level of potions that can be created,
the same as currently :smiley:

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i realize gem roasting max level at rebuild is 15, what is the difference with lv 10?

afaik it was a mistake and was corrected to level 10 in a later maintenance.

Not all information on is 100% accurate, e.g. Gevura is still listed as 10 levels although it had only 5 levels from the day Re:build went life on kTest.

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