Tree of Savior Forum

RE: BUILD suggestion skills for each class for survival playing solo contents(not all contents), etc

Swordsman class = A skill that can increase the HP regeneration rate for like 50% of Max HP with 2 or 3 mins CD.

Archer class = A skill that can spell vamp or life steal with normal attacks for a percentage for a period of time 2 or 3 mins CD.

Wizard class = It seems Featherfoot can already do this the Spell vamp skills and is much better since it has 2 spell vamp skills to the tree.

Cleric = No need to explain since they can heal themselves and heal others though it has been nerfed a lot.

Scout = A skill that can life steal normal attacks for a certain percentage of damage for a period of time with 2 or 3 mins CD. Scout is more on Attack Speed, etc.

It will be balanced since the Cooldowns are long and the potions are not helping much unless you start spamming every CD in solo CM.

What do you think guys?

solo content janai!
if everything can be soloed, this game will be single player game but with show-off mode for fashion or glowing weapon
even solo CM is another show off mode

Soloing is viable without any form of sustained heal. The unbalance this causes is more important than the beneficts it could give for loners. I won’t say I dislike it, people like to feel immortal, but it takes too many problems.

You can never solo every content in the game with 2-3 mins cooldown of HP sustain skills. Speaking of balance, don’t you recognized that TOS has been Tree of Cleric for a while due its HP sustain as healers in the game. Every online game out there has HP regeneration skills, spell vamps and life steal skills. Why not TOS? If Swordsman class/tree has higher defense and shields for block for survival, Clerics can wear shields and can heals, Wizards can spell vamps with the Featherfoot skills. Why not for archers and new class scout? Archers and scouts may have evasion stats but haven’t you checked out the RE:BUILD videos in KTOS playing solo 330 dungeon and trying out solo CM, the classes are getting wrecked so hard? Archers and Scouts deserved a life steal skills for HP sustain for a short period of time.

People soloing destroys the game, and giving them sustain will encourage to play alone. I agree games should balance on groups, not loners.

Just buy Popo shop elixirs.

i highly doubt that, these suggestions are really bad imo

I can agree that these stats can be useful, but the game needs to be balanced around it. If they add these stats they need to take them into account when balancing content.
For example, in WoW my Warlock can heal a lot and has amazing sustain be it in PvP or in solo content. Yet I can’t solo a raid, dungeon, heroic dungeon or most other content. The content needs to be designed and balanced for to be able to solo it. For example, the single challenges that WoW has take into account that a Warlock can heal itself with their spells thus there are mechanics you have to pay attention to.
As mentioned at the beginning, if they add these stats then balance the game around it. Currently it would make the stats mandatory as it is a lot of bombing and mass pulling. If there were tactics in pull, slower dungeons and raids then it would be easier to add these stats and increase the damage of dungeon monsters to compensate for the addition.

Even if you balance it there will still be a difference between what each class can solo. A Priest can solo content I can’t because of direct heals, hots and most importantly disspell. At the same time as a Warlock I can solo rare mobs easily due to my innate combination of healing and damage while other classes might struggle if they have less gear or are lower level.

It will be balanced if they balance around the new stats. Simply adding them would do more harm then good. Combining these stats with the easy use of potions would be to much for the game right now.

It already exists in TOS Re:build.

It’s called Restoration Scroll. Craft it with your Paladin>Pardoner or buy it from market. Be sure to stack some SPR for additional Healing.

Actually, after the recent patch, Healing is not so bad anymore. The majority of builds will now be able to recover at least 20k HP every 10 seconds, which is a lot.
Also, due to the Heal:Linger attribute still remaining ingame, you can actually overheal simply because its effect lasts 10 seconds and Heal will recover all OHs every 10 seconds.

And since max HP were harshly reduced, 20k will be a lot (between 25% and 50% of your max HP) depending on your gear and buffs.

I would not count Heal as a recovery skill for others,though, it’s now solely for self-sustain/survival of the Cleric.

Tree of CLERICS!! This is what I am trying to point at IMC and in the forums. There is no balance when it comes to classes because Clerics has tons of utilities and heals to survive soloing this kind of content. How about for Swordsman, Wizard, Archer, and Scout without self-heals per class? Exclude Restoration scrolls.

I don’t have any problem with current game balance, except the bad scaling of shop potions. And if you look at shops, you have SIX types of potions:

  • small
  • regular
  • large
  • a SECOND sort of large (I mean… WHAT THE FCKING FCK?)
  • huge
  • alchemistic

And there are MORE out there: highly condensed, Alemeth, basic, Kesta…

This is simply a clusterfuck… Just reducing all these to three maybe four sort would fix the problem: a basic type for the early game, a normal type for the midgame, a large type for the endgame, and keep (and buff) the alchemistic ones for harder content.

Dievdirby’s Owls need a relook into it. That statue is carrying the entire build.

Removing all bonus damage from SPR and limiting it to just 2 owl statues max is a good start.

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