Tree of Savior Forum

Re:Build and Event Planning Complaint

Hi Saviors!

Okay, I hope I’m not the only one who thinks the way they planned these events are pretty ridiculous.

So before the Re:Build Update, they have the ([Reset Bonanza]) this was a great event, but why on builds that won’t even matter!..

You do this type of event AFTER the Re:Build update so players can test the new changes and pick a build they like!

After the Release of the Re:Build Update they come out with some sad excuse of the previous event ([Re:Build] Class Tree Change Support) Only offering TWO changes!.. one to try and one to revert back.

So I have to admit, I didn’t read the event rules, I thought it was just like the ([Reset Bonanza]), and we can try the new classes and skills… NOPE.

I made a mistake trying out the scout tree and seeing what they changed to my previous classes, after seeing one skill was not to my liking, I said, “hey lets just reset and try a better build”…WRONG. I clicked revert back to original thinking I can give this another go, again, NOPE. The NPC is now gone, and you’re stuck. I have submitted a ticket only to get the event rules rehashed back to me.

This is a poorly planned Re:Build update. I will no longer play until I can get my classes back from the scout tree.

It’s not poorly planned because you didn’t read.


You miss the point, it is poorly planned, even without my mistakes the the event gives no room to test the changes. Many people are complaining and stuck or in regret because of the new mechanics and skill changes. They will surely lose players because of this.

^ pretty much

for some classes like wizard (lost linker, chronomancer now “bad”) just swapping to one other class to test it out is just not enough.

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You can switch subclasses 3 times per day using the advancement info window in the bottom right of your screen.

The only thing that is once ever is a class TREE change, which you can always just make another character if you just want to “try” another class tree (and you will also have the above 3 times per day class changes too).


so if i dont like my wizard now, because they removed linker and made chronomancer bad, but i want to play a good support, i have to reroll because they patched it?

ok thanks

they removed the core of my wizard, LINKER and changed chronomancer, therefor my build is DEAD, the reason why i created the wizard on the first place…

and now i cannot swap to another class tree because it is limited by one and i didnt like scout.

it has to do everything with class changes.

Chronomancer is currently rank #1 on Klaipeda at least for the Remnants of Bernice solo dungeon. It is meta in KToS for multiple Wizard builds and quite strong.

Regardless of that, you can switch classes and try anything you want. If you were so attached to linker, sure, you can class tree change over to Scout and try it. You are given the option to revert the class tree change at any point afterwards if you wanted to.

I don’t see how this is a problem.

You can switch class trees, change all sub classes, easily, if you want to try something else.

Then why do you want another class tree change? You want to just keep trying things? It was not intended to be an infinite swap between all class trees and repeatedly try things, it was meant to cover your case of your favorite classes getting moved. You apparently didn’t like that, so the purpose of the event has ended.

If you would like to try another class, make a new character as has always been the case.

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I understand what you intend to say, but here you will only find toxic responses from this community. I agree with you, it could have been like the Bonanza event, but they did not do it this way, and there’s nothing we can do about it except to accept. I still go further, in my opinion the IMC team should allow to change the weapon and base class more often, because as everything changed, no one knew which classes were damaged to the point that it is not possible to play a good pvp and pve as happened with the class I like, the wizzard class. Anyway, this REbuild was the joy of some, and the nightmare of others, let’s hope for good changes come.


or i can just quit the game again, before spending another 300 hours rerolling and the next patch rips the build

no thanks, enjoy the game tho!

i want to find a new build which i like, so i wanted to try cleric next, but nope not possible

so in short: they killed my build and don’t give any compensation for finding a new one… cool game

You were given plenty of compensation and tons of ways to find a new one.

If you didn’t want to play, then you didn’t want to play. This event wouldn’t fix it.

Good bye.

i believe you are silly

they deleted my build and let me try out ONE other class tree to find a new one , sadly there are 5 trees

good bye;)

Ps: You can try new classes. You can change your class 3 times a day and per day until the event ends.

You can only change you base class 2 times. Is this a bad planning?

So the argument is “I made a mistake and it’s the gaming company’s fault that I don’t read the post?”. It stated you can only change once! If you get into a new game would you just randomly selecte a class and expect you are able to switch to other class freely? Never! You are provided the free tree change to compensate the tree system change, not to provide you testing/tryout ability. The testing and tryout is done by having free class point! Read the damn news sont you don’t bitch about it and blame others for you own wrong doing. Think before you do, kid.

Sorry but this was your fault, I see a lot of friends doing the same thing, I feel sorry for them but it’s still their fault.

If you have another character here is a quick solution: Transfer all your attribute points to him (you can extract att pts from all chars without the fee 1x per character) and choose the tree of your preference in this character.

You’re allowed to swap your base class once or revert back. You’re also allowed to swap your sub classes three times per day during this event. You can test a lot of different subclasses and combinations.

It’s not poor planning on their part, it’s poor planning your part. People are “stuck” or in regret because they didn’t read or plan.

Dear Community toxic or not,

I’m a developer and business owner by trade and understand my flaws, I merely speak out the flaw of this release. If this was my business, I would of done this a lot differently. But alas, it is not, and I’m the fool for not reading. It was fun playing this and i do enjoy it among many other games similar to this. But I will put this back on my watch list. Thanks for the replies everyone.

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