Tree of Savior Forum

Ravinepede is a bit too toxic :T

Just ended my fight with the Ravinepede and having to deal with the stationary turret mobs,the defense drop trap and basic traps were all fine and all…but then the poison fields started to pop up. A few weren’t so bad,but when there’s no indication nor recognizable pattern to where and when they spawn it becomes a bit too overwhelming. I found around 3 poison fields at a time were a suitable number to have active, It keep you moving ,while still providing space to maneuver and opportunities to attack safely

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It’s a proper right fight yeah, but a little too chaotic is all

Honestly for me, this boss fight was one of the best and fun boss fight in the game so far lol, along with Necroventer. It forced people to party up and we had to be constantly moving to a different spot. Haha idk, it was pretty enjoyable xD

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The actual fighting area is pretty big, once the poison field shows up, move up the cliff or down the cliff and you can hit him normally again.

hmm,well I was solo so maybe that’s why it was such a hassle for me :T

Hardest boss fight for me so far, and I’ve reached lv 100. Seriously I died 4 times on this beta and the previous one as well. The screen fills up with so much crap you can’t even handle it xD.

Gosh I hated that boss, so far of all the bosses I’ve faced besides Necroventer. he was the most annoying and challenging :frowning:

It was one of the few bosses that actually wasn’t boring to fight. I hope he remains this way.

Fun is what I’m looking for, and I found it in Ravinepede’s destruction.

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i do agree ravinepede should stay…its quite challenging…mybe buff more for more fun…and buff a lot more another boss…even with i am 15lvl gap below its still easy to fight…i am path of exile player i use to be masochist

I like Ravinepede it give the actual challenge rather than the usual HP piñatas bosses.

yeah, this community be like:

*oh the bosses are way too easy, up it up!
*damn! that boss do way too much dmg, nerf it hard!

Just hopeless … :frowning:

How to make every boss almost easy: Go in with a 2 man cleric party!

take no damage unless you get knocked back xP(alternate safety zones)

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or have some Pardoner Heal Scroll in ur inventory :wink:

I don’t think giving them one trillion HP and random OHKO AoE Skills to bosses with dumb AI is a great way to make them more “difficult” if anything i consider them bothersome and uninteresting to play against.

You should see league of legends community, its honestly way worse than this.
To me, this community is close to a masterpiece.
Kinda like Warframes community, which is a masterpiece. :smiley:

If you getting 1 shot by ravinepede, you must be playing really badly. Also, I killed ravinepede in less than 3 minutes(party of krivis C2+Priest C2)

Hmm? I soloed that thing.

But i’m talking about world bosses and other quests bosses that are quite tanky

The only boss that gave me issues was ravinepede :P. Field bosses should kill you in 2-3 hits tho.