Tree of Savior Forum

Rate my BUild ( pyro/ele/lock)

Planning to make ele/lock with a little twist
PvE inclined char , Party and solo capable
please provide feedbacks and suggestions

reasons for taking pyro 2 instead of getting c3 wiz & c2 warlock

  1. more skills !
  2. Fire Property: Explosion Attribute from Elementalist
  3. I think this will improve the my overall DPS

can switch pyro 2 to cryo 2

  1. More skills doesnt equate to better usability…For one, you will get interrupted alot casting your elementalist skills, and you will probably run out of quickslot if you chose too many classes when reaching rank9/10 later.

  2. I think the explosion damage is really low and isnt worth it… probably does around the amount of the character’s INT IIRC. It also only explode if you kill the enemies using fire spell so our other circles wont benefit from this attribute.

2 circles of Cryo is even worse… there’s probably around 0 synergy between cryo and elementalist (beside the cryo elementalist attribute, which i imagine is gonna suck too). If you must pick cryo, then you gotta take all the 3 circles since it is great to group mobs (which then is synergistical with electrocute, or even frost cloud/hail or other AoE skill… but esp to electrocute mostly due to the cryo freezing attribute that give +50% damage to lightning prop attack when frozen by cryo skill)

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Actually, this can work. I used to main this and actually gives a good amount of dps. But I would probably switch c2 wiz for warlock 2 since you can combo alot of cast-related spells with firepilla or sleep. Having warlock 2 gives you more a lot of dps uptime.

(Although the skill distribution in pyro circle needs improvement)


If you don’t have quickcast, I think it is a bad idea to get meteor. Switch for freezing sphere. Or raise prominence.
WL2 could be better for overall damage over wiz 2 (mastema attribute is so good), but only if you don’t feel annoyed by getting your cast interrupted.

thanks for all the feedbacks

@karyaunggulsakti9 im not taking cryo 3 for sure, cryo3 skills got a pretty long downtime.
and what i mean on “more skills” (sorry for not being so elaborative ) is to get more filler skills since elem and warlock main skills got long downtime too.
regarding skill slots, its a pve inclined char so i dont have to rely much on speed key slots.

actually, i made an ele/lock before, its my very first character, i followed the build online and didnt deviate. it was an effective and really strong build but i hated the low skill cd’s so i want to improve it a bit, i dont mind sacrificing a little dmg as long as i get less down time, think of a spammer mage playstyle (if the party dont have chrono).

@LeafPenguinOP im not really sure on the skills distribution on pyro as ive never played pyro before, a little guidance is much appreciated

@Terry46 i dont like prominence because i believe its not an effective or reliable skill. on a group of 20+ mobs it only hits a few

You may want to consider one of the followings :

  • Wiz3 > Ele2 > RC1 > WL2 - Basically substituting Frost Cloud to 2 More attack skills… Rune of Destruction & Rune of Justice (Which i read is getting additional Overheat… IIRC, Rune of Destruction = 2 Overheat and Rune of Justice = 3 Overheat). Rune of Ice is nice too and great if you want to boost Freezing Sphere damage. There is also the synergy with WL’s Masterma in which Rune of Justice is dealing Holy damage and Masterma debuff boosting Holy property attacks. (Never tested how significant the boost is though…). When they change the rune cost to only 50 silver each, we can cast w/o worrying about cost as much. Also, best part about having wiz3 for me is… if there’s falconer around, our Magic Missile turns into a very destructive skill. We will simply wreck stuff the more enemies inside Circling…

  • Wiz2 > Cryo1 > Ele2 > RC1 > WL2 - Substituting Casting speed to Ice Wall + Ice Blast Combo… So that you will have more skills that benefits from with Rune of Ice. But due to Rune of Ice having such a long cooldown, I’d prefer the 1st one.


warlock c1 at rank8

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So much wrong with this build.

First, you took wiz 2 that delayed all your circles. I dont know why you got wiz 2, but lethargy maxed is so much better than energy bolt maxed. If you have really high int and maxed (lvl 15) lethargy, it will end up reducing 700-800 patk and matk on enemies making it so you just need potions. Getting level 10 should end up with 400-500? Meanwhile energy bolt is just a random filler that is weaker than autoattack if you have bless sacrament and enchant fire that pushes enemies away from your aoes.

Enchant fire at level 3 absolutely sucks. You need it at a higher level for its fire prop attack to scale better. Fire prop attack is added to all your attacks like arde.

! Point of Fire wall > 1 point of Fire pillar > 1 point of flare > 1 point of flame ground for boss and push fire wall to the back for aoe.

1 Circle of warlock at rank 8 is super bad. You should just ditch Wiz 2 in order to get warlock 2.

Use this if you want more updated info on skills.

choosing Pyro2 over Wiz3 is surely an upgrade in terms of damage.

i created this build just a day ago, and it’s the one i chose after the reset event (even better that Wiz3 in my opinion)

it’s not a build for those who choose elementalist specifically for lvl10 Meteor, but i never had problems casting Hail and Electrocute.

There are other characters that can draw aggro better: peltasta, cryochrono, archers(sometimes they draw too much aggro) are just examples. Just don’t take Wiz2 instead of Warlock2. “Mastema: phantom pain” alone is better than Surespell

Hope it helps. Just my personal experience

  1. more skills !
    Correction: More Skills doesn’t mean more DPS, Elementalist + Warlock already offer optimum of skills number and dps for rotation of 40s, more = overkill. Cast Animation is problematic as well, in high level content you are hardly find a good spot to spawn all skills, and you probably busy looking for sweetspot which doesn’t knockdown you.

  2. Fire Property: Explosion Attribute from Elementalist
    Correction: Compare with high level of Invocation 7-8 which no restriction of skills type, this attribute looks tiny.

  3. I think this will improve the my overall DPS
    Correction: Warlock C2 Mastema >>> All Skills Combined for Pyro, I can kill a 2m Boss with single spell Mastema lv10, but I only able to scratch the boss like 300k with all the pyro spells that I used so much time and positioning to cast. This not included Pole Of Agony yet

TLDR; It is not a practical and optimum build

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thanks for all the feedback and guidance, i figured itll be easier to just ask in here rather than building an experimental char, and after reading your feedbacks ive decided to just go with the current meta build wiz3ele3war2.

how’d i came up with this conclusion.

  1. No Rune Caster: whenever i get a chance, i try to interview players in game playing RC, and most of the time players give a negative feedback on the class.
    2 i cant drop Wiz 2 cause im going to lose an essential skill to my playstyle, “surespell”, rather than running around looking for a safe spot to cast, ill be more effective if i can cast skills on spot.
  2. class discrimination, im planning to make this char an ET farming char, and since i dont have a group IRL to do regular ET’s, i rely most of the time on shout organized parties, although discrimination is not yet an issue in my server, id rather not take chance and stick with the current effective build.
    4.futureproofing, since r9 is coming out this year, i expect a good array of skills for c3 warlock, or will they nerf warlock coming c9 ? noone knows

hmmm, how do i set this topic as solved issue ?

Now I see that your main point is for ET
I would say that even warlock c2 is very good now even better than elem3 imo, just hope warlock c3 can be better.

In your situation, i would suggest you try my build, pyro2thaum3warlock2
It also a good ET build in post combat change which nobody tried it but im using it farming solmiki now.

No dps? wait, thaum3 basically made everyone into semi-dpser or make dps into godly-dpser which would make ET access less gear dependent and more fun for everybody, means more different builds/guildies can join.
The rest i can say sleep, firepillar, enchant fire, mastema, invocation, pole of agony, reversi, shrink monster lv12, all swell buffs are extremely good skill in ET and you need learn how to use them.

What you need in ET? A good ET player will not discriminate other build even ready enuf of red pots for self sustain., most builds can do it but some classes rely on falconer or cryochrono or miko made the slot more limited. But certainly 2-3 players will be core, while 1-2 players could be flexible build.

Main sustainable DPSer like dopple with 6k-8k atk/matk with 80% attribute or 2 non so sustain DPSer like SR/elememe or just 1 with cryo/chrono
^ Most team fail to get this but thaum3 build help this a lot
Good Def <- Swell Left Arm with shield can help
Good CC <- Sleep + Firepillar can help
Multihits <- Enchant Fire can help
Good Healer and Resurrect
The rest are about strategy and positioning

Thaum3 also popular in jtos since they hv no leticia cube or any RMT or afk farmer or speed leveling. Some of them did 40F with purple practo no transcendant by utilizing thaum3