Tree of Savior Forum

Rank7 choice for gimmick cryo/kino/runecaster build?

Have a wiz3/cryo/kino/runecaster, not sure what to pick at rank7.

I see many have pyro1, but at this stage for easier solo leveling I think, but honestly, don’t think I miss it at this point.
So that leaves my r7 spot open.

Should I go with warlock, I hear warlock2 is a bit underwealming.
Sage looks cool with the duplicate icewall, but if it duplicates it outside of my range, that does me no good.

Pyro 1 is not for easier solo leveling.

Fireball in the middle of your Ice Walls makes them release shards faster apparently, I’ve seen a guy with your build, Pyro on 7th rank, full INT, dealing ~1,5m damage in ONE single PP+Ice Wall combo.

if its just speed of shards, I don’t really care that much either.
since its just speed, it still do 1.5m just 2secs or so quick, since with the andre staff for lv7 icewall, it doesn’t take that long to finish

If you just want to be able to solo grind elites Joint Penalty and Magic Missile will gib elite packs. So a rank of linker would give you that. I’d want to add a dandel gem so you can link up 6 though.

Wizards still function this way for kToS as well. So I’m kind of thinking that full bounces with magic missiles is intended.

And if you’re worried about the propagation cap for joint penalty… You can take the HP of the mob you intend to be killing divide it by magic missile dmg… And figure out if you could kill the pack before your JP went down.

So say an elite with 250k and you do 4k a missile. You need 63 bounces to fully killed the pack… JP lv 6 would give you that since it’s 10+10 per Lv if I remember right.

id like to know if ice wall + pp combo will still do good dmg with rank 8. cus the other classes can melt bosses o.O

are there new missions for post lv300 or something or dungeons maybe?
Cause the saiulu mission bosses hp and defense kind of stopped increasing in any real way past lv200.

Was wondering about sage and icewall, if it just copies it outside of range, it won’t work.
but since icewall is a bit weird if it copies it on top of it, it be cool…

From what we’re seeing the bosses are pretty hard even just for questing…

That’s of course before people are running around with transcend rank 4 weapons that give literally double weapon damage. Right now we rely on base skill damage.

Here is a repost from the kToS thread of a support priest trying to solo a boss. … or at least I think it’s support… either way a build I’m unfamiliar with bad equipment.

It’s not true, fireballs don’t make Icewalls’ shard created faster.

I’m Wiz3-Kino-Cryo-RC-Pyro myself, so I give you some cons about pyro on rank7 of this build:

  • Pyro is rank 2 class Damage dealer, his skills’ base damage is low (too low).
  • Besides the cheap attribute upgrade, fireballs’ flash damage (from PP) not receive attribute damage enhance.
  • Flame ground ticks damage slowly (3 ticks / 2s). Compare to Frost cloud (3 ticks /s), Flame ground is approximately a third on 10s (actually lower since the FC’s base damage is higher). Flame ground’s AoE smaller than FC a little bit.
    Let’s talk about some tips on pyro on this RC path:
  • You got an approxiamtely a third FC (actually lower, as above) with 1 circle, it lasts longer (but tick slower).
  • Upgrade attribute is not too hard (it’s cheap since Pyro is rank 2).
  • PP is your main damage skills, you can add 2 fireballs before PP. It helps you push fireballs to boss (with additional flash firework from Fireaballs).

maybe i just default to cryo2

Edit: nvm, dirty pole shards are for necro3 only.

Yep, the main route of RC - boss slayer