Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 9 Wizard class

Wiz3>Ele3>Chrono3? Any idea? I just returned after about 5 months, do you think this build would be okay?

I would go for cryo3-chrono3-shadow2(more dmg but expensive due to sp hunger) or enchanter2(more support). Or some link2/3-chrono3-thau1-2. For supporting your party in HG farm. Wiz3-Ele3-Chrono3 is nothing special for me.

try this build :

Full SPR, SP hunger somewhat can be reduced… and get healing too!
also with summon is scale with SPR, making this build more solid and CHEAP.

the linker mitigate the shadowthorn weakness… hangmants knot + shadow condensation or shadow conjuration is great combo againts mob. even with lacking gear, you can deal ton of damage.

another suggestion for shadowmancer build is Valkoria or Little Samson… they have their own pros and cons though.