Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 9 Facebook Event:Which rank 9 class are you most looking forward to and why?

@IHadesI You should take an example of me leave this game a bit, go hang out a bit and sotp defending this game as if your life depended on it. Even world of warcraft community or league of legends one stand together in contrary TOS weeb community venerating IMC.

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Is IMC really ready to deploy the Rank 9+Level Expansion patch on iTOS?

We have only 1500 players playing right now and the servers are shitting on themselves like crazy. Towns, field maps, instanced dungeons… Every channel is crashing frequently on all servers! Now just imagine how disastrous this is going to be when we get a spike of 5000 players trying to play TOS on the day we get this patch. Do you remember how it was back in May when we got the “Renewal” patch? I don’t like to sound like a doomposter, but man, this is going to be a hell of a lot worse.

@Staff @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan @GM_Francis


Come to check if have anyone posted the “Playing Matador” meme here yet. Why not D:!? havent checked the facebook post yet =3=~~~

I saw the “Do your best musketter” meme there :satisfaction:

Also Matador:


Lol talk about rank 9 when you cant even fix your server. Good job shitting on your 1.5k player & bot base. Btw why dont make tos a facebook game? Rank 9 Hype my ass.


IMC is all about rushing anyway.
Instead of focusing on one or two things, instead of fixing what’s in front of them, they disperse their “efforts” and try to do everything at once. Releasing R9 before fully rebalancing all the other classes was already a mistake. Now they’ve made R9 classes and they’re gonna rebalance them already… Double work.
So much rebalancing still going on, so many bugs, plus the servers are so unstable. The excitement of new classes will die fast because of these.
I agree that for some classes (all the non-clerics) leaving characters at rank 1 and coming back later might be the safest idea since they’re still in the middle of modifying everything.


Does anyone have a link in english to the new rank 9 classes and skills?

Check this thread. :grinning:

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Will the game be playable by rank 9? Maybe all of our fb comments can ask that question, since we haven’t gotten an answer yet.

Opps am i late to the meme party?
Edit: Please skip this post if you don’t have

  1. A sense of humour
  2. Immunity to salt content higher than the dead sea
  3. The ability to understand sarcasm

Looking forward to the exploiter class :))

No weapon restriction
No class restriction
Guranteed end game class weapon

Epic backlash from the community?

Cause “they” will announce that they are on the lookout for exploiters at the end of any exploitable event. How is this class not op :slight_smile:

Edit2: shall wait and see how long this gets taken down/removed hue

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you cant look forward to anything with all these server instability going on.


I want to play Matador… I been waiting for this class since got leaked (cuz im main fencer). Also if sucks a lot i will go hl3

yea right.
shall we look backward and thinking why do we playing tos and suffering?

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He forgot to take into account that IMC doesn’t make sense :satisfaction:


Memegoon 3 :distinguished:


and a rank reset to actually switch to matador :slight_smile:

because fancy animations.

I think you should play the new Cannoneer

They assassinate everything that moves.

This is your dragoon.

This is your dragoon on drugs.

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Give me video with dragoon doing ET run or WB not this cakewalk :tired: