Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)

looks solid even if its a single target, but they could lose to other doctor in terms of single target-dps?

You become AoE after you use pandemic -> incinerate.
You lose dps vs other doctors because they will overwrite your debuff (so your damage become 0, similar to wugushi poison overwriting other wugu).

You apply debuff -> damage.
Other doctor uses same debuff -> damage. Your damage => canceled, must wait for CD.
More problems, more doctor. More doctors, more problems.

So bokor doctor has to make sure that there is no other doctor especially when you wanna try world boss? that sounds funny lol. thanks anyways.

Yes, however it is impossible. Doctor is one of the most popular cleric classes.
This problem is not new. Wugushi has had this same problem forever. This is intended. Even fletcher bleeding arrow debuff will overwrite other fletcher bleeding arrow debuff, etc.

Does ignition debuff makes doctor’s poison deal more damage?

@greyhiem Hey grey, do you know whether toy hammer effect works for Druid C3 during werewolf form? Can you use double punch and carve attack during the werewolf form too?

Would you say bokor2>diev1 is better than boko3?

we need better models of Rapiers please.

@greyhiem probably the wrong place to ask but I’ve been looking everywhere. if by chance you come across new costume for swordsman. can you post it here please? :smiley:

New costume? Is this the new costume:

ya it is. its nice tho but only few have pictures on it.

I have not seen monk-wolf or diev-wolf yet. I have seen chaplain wolf but he did not use z-attack. Don’t know about toy hammer.

The werewolf normal attack is a skill’ , I am sure you cannot use z-attack during wolf so you likely cannot proc toy hammer. If sadhu wolf uses Out Of body + werewolf, sadhu cannot attack with the spirit form.

@ronzu I don’t really understand this question. Do you mean ‘does plague vapour poison -> ignition proc deal more damage?’. Just plague vapour -> incinerate = more incinerate damage.

@n01special Bokor2 diev1 is definitely better support than bokor3. The statue is AoE CC too. Bokor3 can use damballah if you like zombies.

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Most of the Koreans go bokor2>diev? or bokor3?

Rank7 Cleric
5.3% Cler2 Boko3 Pardoner1 Plague1
3.8% Cler2 Diev2 Monk3
2.7% Priest3 Chaplain Cler2 Plague1

Rank8 Cleric
6.0% Cler2 Bokor3 Pardon1 Plague2
2.6% Cler2 Diev2 Monk3 Inquisitor1
2.6% Cler2 Bokor2 Diev1 Pardon1 Plague2

Oh i thought plague vapour>incinerate = more plague vapor damage.
Thanks for the clarification

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Not many new vids.
Here are some gifs.

Spinning magical girl?

Miko this week?


yes it is. thanks @greyhiem

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Likely this will happen to worldbosses too (many melee debuffs), reposting vid:

Damage is quite nice.

@greyhiem Any DPS-focused builds for Sages in KR, or are they all follow-ups from Chrono 3?

I have seen elememe warlock1 sage1.
Most chrono will go sage yes. Almost all cryo3 chrono3 went sage.
Some cryo1 linker2 chrono3 went linker3 at rank 8 for spiritual chain -> lifeline.
Sage best skills are taxi, and missile hole.

The attributes on the sage dps skills are not very impressive.

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