oh god that video is dreadful to watch TT
There’s already one in KTOS and I’m also one here in ITOS.
Edit: nvm. I’m too late.
Ugh more link immune mobs… Not looking forward to that.
Personally i test high3>barb1 and i not really like it, Because in lv 100 mission you gonna flying or jumping around and dying alot without CON or DEX.
Just rank 2 Peltasta with Shield Mastery will get better automatic block with some CON or DEX, Yep! i talking about automatic block so you can faceroll and spam all your spell.
Maybe depend on luck but with balance Block and Dodge still better then high defend because boss gonna knockback.
Magic mob have no solution so better faster kill it.
And really rare to see strong player can kill boss in few sec anyway.
(actually i like to show you my Shield Shinobi that can faceroll boss with clone but sorry because the fps drop.)
u can’t auto-block with 2h sword o.o
and its not no CON, u can get up to 30k HP
but the meta already changed, now its going to be like DEX>STR without CON.
so ill need to reset stats soon =/
imc must hate sorcs that much huh XD riding nerf + sorc 3 being the worst c3 class in game and now we get killed by our own bats…
I actually experienced this bug too, when a member in my party casted lifeline and physical link by accident the bats suddenly started to hit us… good thing my bats were level 3 at that time XD
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i talking about get rank 2 Peltasta with Shield…
so u will swap weapon, block and swap back? thats not an option =/
Sorcerer best feature is the cat.
Is this vid ok?
Fencer hoplite solo siaulai:
Fencer amazing boss killer .
Double Chance has finally become (more) useful! @Nekorin
Featherfoot + Kabbalist2 combo: Ein Sof FF + Double Chance + Blood Curse

Cleric forum is full of Sadhu (complaints/suggestions).
Wizard forum still low activity, most enchanter skills have been tested -> conclusion is they scale bad. Swordie forum tons of questions about best builds/build recommendations. Archer forums too, and some more rogue, hunter & falcon posts.
Thanks @greyhiem for the vid. Double Chance gives more omph to the 1 hit attacks like from featherfoot and musketeer. From the video it requires quite a bit of setup though, not sure about the practicality of the skill as in a party setting any hit can trigger the double chance including aoe ground effects and pet attacks before the big 1 hit is scored.
I do hope they buff up Sadhu. That’d be nice.
ouch, looks like wiz meta will be over, crit reigns the end game.
still no news if rogue3 while burrowed can use mergen skills?
more like wiz forum are empty because there is nothing to discuss.
it is pretty clear what build is good at this point. R8 didn’t change their meta very much.
swordman/archer r8 on the hand is big shift in meta. Physical class skills doesn’t synergy well unless planned properly.
@Mawsiee No, not yet. Only rogue3 I have seen is ranger3 rogue3 Hakka.
How to use lapasape mushroom to boost dmg: https://youtu.be/yYyhroc5af8
Murmillo (no shinobi) vs moa: https://youtu.be/JXdskJbIVMw
Archer Scout3 Musketeer Mergen
-crystal mine mission: https://youtu.be/QOJhH0Tc9Ps
-group grind: https://youtu.be/3u2dmBL2nnw
Korean diev Carve attack cancellation: https://youtu.be/_G4YUXkgbbM
Visit channel for 2v2 pvp vids (dragoon2) cata3: https://youtu.be/Ns-p6LvxYrE