Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)

Woah ■■■■. Doppelsoldner is decent? Come again?


@greyhiem is there any info about Paladins and Inquisitor skills interection?

Heard that Breaking Wheel can spread Conviction debuff, but in some vid tests it did not spread monks atk debuff (guess it was God finger).

Also saw two vids of same character showing the difference in dmg of God Smash with and without Conviction debuff. The dmg doubled with the debuff, so ppl are guessing a hidden interection as Smite + Conviction.

Hey @greyhiem, have you seen the new NecroC3 Decay attribute at work on PVP yet? or anywhere? im talking about the one that strips the opponents armor.

Kabbalist2 Merkabah videos (these videos don’t use TOS year month day format so it is more difficult to find them through youtube.

Testing merkabah & attributes:

I will add all videos from Nicola’s post, post nr 418 until now to the first post.

@wboccato Hi, I haven’t seen any mention on Kr forums yet. There are a lot of inquisitor videos though. I will try to find a video of paladin convi & god smash in my first post.

It wouldn’t surprise me since the icon for the God Smash skill = icon for Paladin Smite skill with extra light. If they have re-used the code for paladin smite + added AoE to it, it have the same interaction with conviction.

Edit: confirmed (look at next post) - godsmash double damage by conviction

Hard to find all vids, inbetween the Kr forum trashposting, this forum quality posting, and watching all vids, I tend to forget important details.

@ergo_ No, not yet.

Interesting. Toy Hammer explosion splashes on wheel:

Conviction spreads on wheel.



I have confirmed Conviction + Godsmash = double damage.

Video1 - Godsmash without conviction - 20k dmg, 30k crit.

Video2 - Godmash with Conviction - 40k dmg, 60k crit.


Also in this one, not sure why his dmg is lower though. No attributes and lower skill level?


It’s because he is using Catacombs Blade.

He should use a Blunt weapon to boost damage, God Smash receives bonus dmg with blunt weapon.

Here is the test:


thansk i was looking for a halbomb vid xD cus id like to try cleric 3 just to see what happens

and conviction + god smash, lol now i want cleric 3> paladin3 < inquisitor xD for the luls

WAAAAAAAIT so we need plague doctor before inquisitor to spread conviction and than we use the wheel and BOOM big dmg o.O

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No, Convinction + conviction debuff is spread through wheel.

She always uses breaking wheel -> conviction -> 3x God Smash.
Even if mobs aren’t hit by conviction directly, they receive double god smash damage. The conviction debuff & dmg is spread by the wheel.
In the video, a mob pag thrower (north of the character) isn’t hit by wheel or conviction directly, yet receives 60k god smash crit similar to other mobs - which are closer to the inquisitor.

Her build is cler2 diev1 paladin3 Monk1 Inquisitor.

Moreover I have read chaplain elemental attack additional lines don’t splash, sadly. No video proof yet.

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awesome, but i still would take PD cus healing facotr and bloodleeting xD
i don’t see anything better, really

u know if smite also spread with 3x dmg?

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Yes, smite spread damage too.
It seems paladin3 is mandatory if you’d like to smash like a god.

The girl in the video is cler2 diev1 paladin3 monk1 - inquisitor. This is aura support based build, however no CC immunity or ress. She likes to utilize double punch + conviction debuff + wheel too. Monk double punch = filler, real combo = breaking wheel, conviction, smash spam. Wheel will last longer once inqui rank2&3 are released.
Diev carve attack will splash on wheel too (3 overheat), and will grant free wood drops. It is the only [pierce] attack you will get on the cleric tree.

High dex (crit/evasion) builds are recommended to take priest1 since monstrance buff = +30% dex, and +10 flat dex. Critting a high base damage skill such as God Smash is nice.
Cler2 Priest1 Pala3 - X - Inqui?
If you’d really like to drop cler2, you won’t have safety zone attribute and heal10, and divine might. Another option is krivis1 for daino.

Kabba rank7 for revenged sevenfold (good at PvP too), and ein sof SP heal.
Plague doc vs CC.

plague doctor make u imortal with healing factor and give ur pt imunity to CC with bloodleeting
and maybe u can spread the silence from malleus with pandemic…

the only choice is diev 1 (cooldown reduction + carve) or priest 1 (ress and monstrance)
i think priest wins…

But Diev has carve for extra damage (also pierce dmg) and statues for lower CD and slow mobs. There’s always the possibility to go: Cleric 2 > Diev 1 > Paladin 3 > Priest 1 for maximum dmg with DEX builds. PD will bring you bloodletting and healing factor for more resistance, so it’s between extra atk or party utility/ survival.

Paladin without STR already has high dmg with Smite. Carve also has from what o read of Diev INT build. Considering that Inquisitors base atk is high enough, maybe you don’t even need STR, only DEX and CON on this build?

Btw Inquisitor Malleus (that’s a skill hard name to remember) causes silence? :o

it silence monsters, its an atribute
carve is good but if u are going full DEX/CON the dmg will be quite low on high level, while priest will buff ur DEX and give u ress.

PD healing factor can be used to help ur team (give it to a doppel and watch monsters die while ur skills are on CD) and bloodleting is bloodleting xD

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Attribute for malleus maleficarum (max lvl 4):
Silences mobs (PvE).
Reduce 5% SP per attribute level on players (per hit).

[edit misread]

Inquis best friend will be Wizard1 lethargy +strike damage debuff, and rodelero strike debuffs (especially the new peltasta rode shinobi murmillos).
Will benefit from dragoon2 debuff on the mob too. Luckily strike debuffs are abundant in ToS. Even monk double punch and god finger flick cause strike debuff. Frozen mobs receive extra strike damage too. Oh, and hunter snatching pet attribute of course…

dude now i’m REALLY tempted to make a inquisitor, o.O


I’m having a hard time to see if Smite hits 3x with conviction debuff through Breaking Wheel. Too many effects flying and too mobbed. Anyone can see this more clearly? .-.

check the inquisitor 130 rush video i quoted above. He doesn’t use wheel so it’s easier to see.

Conviction x God Smash does not create multi hits, it’s a dmg multiplier instead.

nice thanks, hard to find doppel on youtube