Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)

Guys my build is S2>Barb2>Cor2>Shinobi. What is better for rank 8, Corsair 3 for hook + Pistol or Murmillo? I’m playing PvP. Is there any build in ktos that’s similar to mine xD

Hmm from that video that mean circling still can decease AOE defend to 0 right?

Hard to tell without knowing her equips. I see her hit 7 mobs at a time with 1 mutlishot tick, but that’s still doable even if circling only drops AoE defense to 1 if she wears vubbe fighter with AoE ratio headgears.

someone knows with skills works with bushin no jutsu from shinobi?

Umm from vid she can use barrage to kill 8 mob without circling that mean she have +3-4 AAR gear. (barrage have 4 AAR) but that mean all mob must have only 1 ADR.

If circling have limit at 1 that mean she need +7AAR for use multishot to hit 8 mob.
But She still can crit at 80-90% at lvl 291 that mean she use sissel too right? I don’t think she play full dex anyway.

grrr @ @ … That why i think circling still can bring down AOE defend to 0.

i hope so >,<


Anyone know what the current outlook is like on kToS between Mergen and Hakka for fletchers? I’m the typical A2-R1-Sc1-F3 build and it’s been a toss up deciding between the two. Mergen seemed like the right choice for the AoE, but considering how underwhelming it looks, it honestly seems like maybe Hakka is the better option as that seems to have some decent numbers, even if on fewer targets, to at least help you keep your single target dps high. On that note, are Hakka skills affected by aoe attack ratio?

Yes, z-attack splash from wheel. I don’t have any chaplain inqui vids yet.
The meta for priest is
support priest3 cler2 Krivis1 X for KR, chaplain is unpopular.
Others are cler2 kriv3 druid2 (druid3/tao),
and cler3 diev3 XX,
and cler2-bokor3-pardoner/priest1/oracle/kriv1-Plague doc2.

I have seen cler2 diev1 pala3 monk1 inqui,
cler2 priest2 monk3 inqui,
cler2 diev2 monk3 inqui, but no chaplain inqui yet.
Inqui builds with at least priest 1 are usually dex>(str)con (due to Monstrance buff).

I have seen priest2 inqui using bless, it did splash through wheel. Will try to find video again.

Edit, found video:
Inquisitor priest2 monk3 vs mobs.

@jonny Shinobi skills:
Slowly more skills are being added:
Clones may use swordsman thrust, bash, double slash, pommel beat.
+peltasta umbo blow, rim blow
+highlander crown, moulinet

  • hoplite synchro thrusting
  • rodelero shieldbash, AND (new) Shooting star
  • shinobi Kunai

Almost up to date image:

Here is Shinobi Clone shooting star:

Another fencer3 vs moa vid:

@nicola I will add your vids soon, thank you. I have already updated the first post several hours ago. Waiting for more vids, then I will add them in one go, since I am reaching edit limit every day.


Thanks but now i’m sad coz i think it would copy butterfly from pelta but it dont…
and my sword is pelta 3 rode 2 shinobi ;(
where can i cry?

Right now Murmillo shinobi’s are pelt2 rode3 ninja murmillo.

Many more changes are being implemented in KToS, perhaps one day they will patch butterfly+shinobi clone, so don’t worry too much.

Edit, I need to post vids here because my own thread tells me I post too much.

Shinobi Hoplite 3 dragoon solo dung 145:

Dragoon2 vs more mobs:
Dragoon2 solo dung 145:

Bonus for our corsair3 friends, difficult to choose a rank8 for them.

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My reply didn’t send.
Miko is rank6, that was just an example image of someone who was already rank7. I wanted to show the icon.

Video: cannon2 ranger rogue vs siaulai:

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thanks Bro i think would be really good to be u friend in game u sound like a good person =)
congrats for that

edit: do u think i should let shinobi and get rode 3? or is better take shinobi? i mean to go murmillo

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I need more infos about Miko, I think i’ll really play when she comes to iTOS :slight_smile: (I hope soon ;_:wink:

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I posted in post3 here a little more info I found on Miko quest: [Future rank 8] Job & Skill test info from Korea - (closing soon)

Click for unconfirmed skills

[High Hay Gohei]- Goheyi: Enhancement attribute

[Broom be Houki Broom]- Broom quality: Keep : Skill [Broom be] Extent duration of friendly magic circles in the area.

[Ha Mayan Hamaya ]- Ha Maya: Enhancement attribute

[Applause/clap Kasiwade ]- Applause: Enhanced recovery : Teleports an ally to your location and cheer them on to increase their HP recovery.

[Kagura Kagura Dance] - Kagura: Magic defense : Skill [Kagura] Reduce 10% damage received per skill level, buff for allies.(Appearance: visual with a brush?)

Omar Mori Production : Create something which prevents status effects. Omar Mori production is available during rest/sit.

Vid, interesting build for r8, mobile stunner cata3 barbarian3??

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Do we know how well Necro3 and Warlock 2 are doing in kTOS right now? I’m making a new wiz3 and don’t wanna play ele3 if i can help it.

35.42% of wizards went Warlock2 (most Wiz3 -> elementalist3 -> warlock2). Invocation is a very good skill.

Necro3 will ease your corpse problems with new attributes (expensive attributes). Popular is Wiz3-linker2-necro3 or Wiz3-linker-sorcerer-necro3.

Is Necro3 DPS competitive to Warlock2? I’m mainly concerned about the summon AI, though i guess skele archers being ranged helps a lot with that

also, do you know if the skele archers do more damage to decayed targets or if they’re still doing non-missle damage?

Skele archers deal [magic] damage. Not missile. They don’t benefit from decay.

Flesh cannon 15 is quite strong. Necro3 is a good afk farmer.
Warlock invocation is better vs a lot of mobs, once you kill them.

I don’t know about wiz3 linker2 necro3 vs wiz3linker3warlock/wiz3ele3warlock2.

You may compare these two vids:

This is a Wiz3 Ele3 Warlock2 with maxed (100% enhance) attributes vs mobs (and good weapon). Probably the elementalist damage cannot go beyond this:

This is wiz3 link1-sorc- necro3 solo siaulai:

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when gonna apply this patch?