you never mentioned featherfoot c2 in the first post, how is it??
Hi, I have added videos of Featherfoot2 now. I did not have them until recently.
Featherfoot2 is loved for levitation, and the Blood Curse explosion is very strong AoE when paired with Linker. Without Linker, featherfoot is underwhelming. Use levitation + strike a cute pose and make a gif = popular.
Sadly some (many?) higher mobs are resistant vs Decay effect.
then should i be wiz3linksorcnecro3 or wiz3link3ff2
I can’t recommend one to you because I don’t know your preferences. I will shortlist some points:
Wiz3 Link Sorc Necro3 has more micro-management. You will have to keep in mind your Templeshooter position and your distance. If you move too far, it will cease attacking and move to you.
Necro3 requires Corpse management. It is the resource for their skills. Until Necro3 you will not have a lot of corpse gathering options. Important attributes such as Skeleton-collect-corpse, and +300 maximum corpse count are unlocked at Necro3. Flesh Cannon is a very strong nuke on reasonable Cooldown.
Wiz3 Link3 FF2/Warlock2/Sage/Enchanter. Linker3 will make you a very strong party and damage booster support through Joint Penalty+Hangman’s Knot -> Nuke (magic missile x2). The ranks after wiz3-link1/2/3-… are usually preference - what do you like? For FF2, in PvP you will be good vs melee, and good vs several hits of ranged&magic if you have a sage teammember. Remember Blood Curse may kill you.
whats better
Wiz3Link3FF2 full con for huge numbers blood curse, but low dmg everything else
Wiz3Link2Thaum1FF2 full int, use transpose for when levitate + blood curse for huge number
Wiz3Link2Thaum1 Transpose curse, you will need to transpose->heal up -> curse or you will suicide.
I will redirect you to the Featherfoot thread, you will get more info there:
Perhaps soon more Taoist vids.

Some image dumps:
A brush and a broom? Which temple needs cleaning.
@Randy Do you see the Kanu_master_npc in the image? ^^
More images:
has anyone become miko yet
No miko yet.
Inquisitor (again!) vs mobs:
Inquisitor videos are very popular.
is miko even in the game
whats going on in this video? why lv80 and lv100 in 290 zone grinding? do they get anything out of that aside money? Or they are getting crazy amount of money and any exp card drop is like omgwtfbbq level exp?
It’s hilarious how a linker doesn’t even need lvls to be relevant in parties
You will still receive exp and money, yes. Is Powerleveling. Edit: I am unsure if they receive exp, thought I saw a patchnote somewhere about changed level/exp difference penalty. Edit2: I think they do receive exp!
i remember them change to lv20 difference… but this is like 210 lv difference!
if they really get exp for being there… like hell yea!
First TAOIST video:
Taoist at alemeth: "I wasted 7500silver on this video, talisman so expensive"
New video of clerics, and of archer. I will add everything to the first post later.
Druid3 werewolf vs Moa boss (using animation cancel):
Gameplay Bokor doctor2:
QS3 Falconer3 Combo:
Capture on mergen arrow rain:
thats pretty sick.
There are so many inquisitors around due to the other R8 counterpart Taoist comes with a high upkeep/usage cost.
Looking at how power creep scales past R7, it becomes really worrying for players who intend to go full support cleric builds. Outside of parties, there isn’t really anything else the FS can do, they can’t even farm for their own materials for gears given the monsters have a 200-300k hp.
Future seems bleak for Oracle3 and Kabbalist2.