Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 class prediction

With Rank 8 circle coming out soon, does everyone have any prediction on which class will be selected? List the class that you think will make the cut. I think by observation, this list I came up with is the most probable.


  1. Matador
  2. Mumillo


  1. Appraiser
  2. Pied Piper


  1. Onmyouji
  2. Taoist


  1. Shepherd
  2. Fortune Teller

Hidden Class
Monk 3 into Lama

Wait, I thought there were more and what you mean by limit? I’m hopeful for matador and pied piper

I think there’s a good chance of Appraiser since archer right now is the only role without a solely crafting/moneymaker class.

When IMC took centurion out of the game they said they would put him back as a 8 Rank class, so i guess your swordsman list is wrong.
Also you made this list using the already leaked classes, not all of them are necessarily Rank 8, they could be 9 and 10.
But i would bet on Apraiser and i hope Matador is 9 so i can take it after fencer C3

murmillo has skills already so it’ll have to come up soon.


  1. Matador
  2. Luchador


  1. Appraiser
  2. Hackapell


  1. Onmyouji
  2. Mimic


  1. Shepherd
  2. Lama

Hidden Class
Pied Piper
Fortune Teller

Hmmm. I don’t remember IMC saying that they will place centurion in rank 8. They just mentioned they will move it to a later rank. But perhaps you are right. I mean we are missing a tank role.


  1. Onmyouji
  2. Taoist
  3. Fortune Teller

Fixed it.

You guys do know that there will be only 1 hidden class for each tree right? IMC said the game would have 10 ranks, 4 trees and 80 classes. The starting one, 2 per rank and a hidden for every tree.

Swordsman got Ninja, Mage got rune caster, Cleric got Chaplain, now only Archer is left



cue database database.mp3


Are you guys not gonna talk about the datamined new skills?

got a pastebin link for that?

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it seems rogue are stuck because new class are not fit with rogue 's gameplay

  1. Appraiser: tower builder
  2. Pied Piper: mobs controler
  3. Hackapel: mount support

so there only Musket and Canoneer left but i don’t like them ::cry:

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Swordsman Rank 8

Whiner :laughing:


tower builder means guild tower or… tower like from tower defense game? you know? the tower attacks nearby enemies, like the diev’s owl statue

thought appraiser was like this


about the tower builder
i read somewhere that appraiser can build turrets

and it will reveal cloaking …

Anyone has the link for the new datamined skills?

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JFBWOIBE Enchanter is the new elementalist ! Or seems so hope so looks like it =o !