Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 7 without c2 warlock

So I like c3+c3ele but what would I pick up at r7 if I’m not going c2 warlock and going sage?

People usualy go for runecaster (Work with frozen sphere for icerune …)
You also got rune of destruction I suppose.

In my current build I don’t rank freezing sphere over 1 because of electrocute but that’s definitely a good option.

Would my aoe dps increase of decrease if I took c1 pyro?

you could try r1 kino
for the pp on ur ice walls


Also your description its wrong, if you are going w1 cryo3 chrono3(or w1+cryo3+ele3) you are picking your r8 class, not your r7.

Dont even consider Pyro1, its dead.

You need prepare to take warlock c2 if you going cryo3elem3warlock1

Mainly the invocation lv8 (100% up time) and Mastema’s attribute works best with your frost pillar.

At the same time, Sage as offensive red icon might have something better in C2, I guess it also more associate with AoE (macro dimension) which also great for frostpillar. If macro have new attribute like mastema in c2.

Or sage 2 can pull another falconer 2 that offered nothing in c2 and becomes a godlike utility in c3. Lol

im so confused

so youre going

thats 8 ranks… your 7th rank will be chrono 3 and you wont have any room for elementalst

If you are going Cryo 3 + Ele 3, these are the few options you can consider


  • think rune of ice works for hail (need confirmation) and freezing sphere but not on frost cloud


  • ice wall + ppl combo

Go for the above 2 and choose a new rank 9 when it comes out

Or you can go with either sage or enchanter. Sage is the preferred choice since enchanter isn’t really good right now.

Rune Of Ice doesnt work with deployment spells, this includes hail. so no it doesnt work on hail

If that’s the case, I don’t think runecaster would be that good of an option as you don’t really gain much since the ice spells don’t do much damage in the first place. Psychokino would be a better option for icewall + PP

I actually went Wiz 2 Cryo 3 Ele3, surespell was the best utility I could get with a single rank (tried different variations during Reset event). Quickcast isn’t missed at all really, frost pilar + ice blast + prominence + Eletrocutate is a great filler for when your main ele skills are down (frost cloud, meteor).

Surespell also makes it very easy to set up your Ice walls and Ball. You’ll lack the ability to make shards yourself (apart from gust 3 OH), but in a team composition that’s hardly a problem, doppels/catas/inquisitors simply love high Magic ATK ice walls.

The build definetely lacks damage compared to the usual wiz3ele3wl2, since mastema and pole actually help out in aoe damage (even though I really feel like WL2 didn’t bring much to the table, reason why I discarded it in the first place).

By getting wiz 2, we’re open to choose any of the new 2 classes from rank 9, regardless of it having cast times on its skills (as long as they aren’t as long as RC’s, otherwise quick cast becomes that much necessary). Given the 2 from rank 8 were pure utility ones, I’m hopeful we’ll be getting a powerfull DPS one to complement this nice utility/DPS build of ours :slightly_smiling_face:

people seem to assume he going cryo but…
See how he put c3 before the class he choose ? like c3(circle 3) elementalist.
He probably is Wiz3-Ele3-X-Sage.
He also don’t said anything about icerune + cryo spell soo … Kinda assume that.

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Sage offers burst damage as well. Micro Dimension 1242% is nothing to sneeze at, and it is 3 OH.

Believe me, I’ve really tried to get sage on Wizard DPS builds, but it just doesn’t bring enough to the table. A single rank of Warlock would be that much better even if you’ve gotta get it one rank late, IMO.

Micro Dimension doesn’t have that good a scaling actually (56% per level). Its area of impact, AoE, and animation delay is also horrible. Even for bursting bosses, the high CD doesn’t help as well: it’s got a 3726% multiplier (lvl 5 3OH) with 42’ CD (and takes at least 4’ for whole 3 OH animation). Basically a ~80%/sec skill. Ultimate Dimension, even with today’s buff, has a 534*4% at lvl 5 with 48’ CD (44,5%/sec). Bossing-wise Sage can offer at most a 124,5% /sec.

Bossing-wise once more, Warlock’s Dark Theurge alone, at lvl 5 has 1890% with a 32’ CD. So basically a 59%/sec skill. mastema lvl 5 is at ~34,4%/sec and PoA lvl 5 is at 75,9% (given it hits full duration, without attributes activating, it can be even stronger with reversi scrolls, but it depends too much on target staying still). Warlock C1 by itself can offer at most 169%/sec, and it’s a rank 7 class with much easier to use and better AoE skills.

Even though I find Warlock (both C1 and C2) lackluster compared to elementalist C3, it’s still much better than Sage C1…

Sage quest is easier than warlock 1 quest though. Warlock 1 is probably the most cancerous non hidden class quest I have ever encountered.

Even so this looks like a dead rank for op. There is no other choice tbh. Lol

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Well except it is…
-Slow animation speed
-Single hit
-Melee range
-Small aoe
-You can probably do more with sacrement/blessing and a few attack than that for the same time it take you to finish casting micro dimension.

Let see warlock c2

Masterma (With phantom pain attribut)
1560% (+33% phantom pain damage each tick for 20sec (24 hit))
1560% + (520%*24) = 14 040%
-Range cast
-Bigger AoE
-Faster animation

You need 12 micro dimension cast to = 1 Masterma

TLDR: SAGE ISN’T A DPS CLASS (Maybe with R9) but right now it mostly use for is support and utility (Mainly missil hole) and that it.
-Micro dimension can be use to duplicate something like owl statue
Or a Cryo tree at the end of it for a few extra second (dup tree is lv 1 / not the case with everthing)
And other not that usefull dupliace
-Ultimate dimension dps is ok but won’t do much either. AoE increase of some magic circle and can apply confusion.

no one said they are a dps class. Burst damage is in fact quite the opposite.

How about Linker or Necromancer/Sorcerer C1?

You could have your Shoggoth/Summon with you for additional attack
or make use of the additional damage from lightning property attacks when you use Joint Penalty on an enemy.

Last but not least, Thaumaturge C1 is also a viable option since Swell Left Arm has 300 seconds lasting time in the new patches(currently KTOS only; level 5 grants about 300-450 matk,depending on your INT&SPR), so you can exploit that Shrink Body addtional damage attribute a lot (+120% damage against shrunken enemies; doesn’t help against boss monsters,though).

There’s also the option of putting 1 point into Transpose to temporarily convert your INT to CON to recive a huge boost on potion recovery (as you can just cancel the buff after consuming the potion to get your INT back) and you’ll have access to Swell Body for doubled loot & silver.