Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 7 Necro Overview

Aww. Wish they made it like the old one. :’(

Im making a pvp/pve hybrid necromancer.

This is my build wiz 1 > cryo 1 > psycho c3 > necro 2

As for stat build im aiming for 200 con for safe keeping in pvp. Should I go straight pure con and depend on magic attack equipments (wiz braclet, 2h staff, etc.) or 200 con then rest for int?

With the Psychokino nerfs you need at least wiz2 to full channel Gravity Pole, and Flesh Cannon has cast time so you kind of need quick cast from Wiz3…

Wiz 3 > pyscho 3 > necro 1

I was thinking about this build too but I chose cryo’s freeze for easier catching up players in pvp.

I wonder how much will I get in putting on INT when I reach 280? Im 128 now with 187 con and 40 int.

Your overall concept is not bad, but here’s the thing.

  1. Cryo will be getting a bunch of nerfs in terms of freeze chance, so cryo1 isn’t really going to be super reliable for what you’re looking to do.

  2. Psycho3’s gravity pole will be getting a huge nerf to it (it will no longer bind and silence people in its range, it will instead slow them). It will also have a pvp dmg penalty of 80%.

  3. Necro C1 is good, but not at rank7 if your purpose is to be good at PVP. Warlock C1 is better for that.

  4. If you are looking to build for PVP, you should be going with Full Con, at least that’s the current ‘meta’. Int does very little in PVP vs the hp you get from Con.

Aww. Bad news for me. :’(

  1. Yeah I was thinking it too. Same with subzero shield it will get nerf soon too.

  2. 80%?! Thats so huge :’( I cried. Choosing Wiz 3. will have 50% magic damage in quick cast which is good. Deducted about 40% damage from 80%.

  3. I see. Does Warlock’s Dark Theurge blocks missile attack? i was thinking for Necro 1 and 2 is AFK farming in Dina Bee Farm for silvers.

  4. Yeah. Int does little in PVP. Maybe ill do 3 : 1 Con: Int so I can do decent damage too for PVE. Depending on my magic attack equips. :slight_smile:

  1. Well in PVP Dark Theurge can screw up targetting for your opponents so in a way it helps absorb hits. The damage was strong enough that they had to nerf the pvp damage by 50%, but it is still very strong from what i hear.

  2. Wiz are generally fine even when going full con IMO, unless you plan on doing Earth Tower, which will require a very different build anyway. There’s always the Animus which converts 40% of your hp recover into magic amp, that’s what PVP wiz normally go for to get some damage.

Thanks for the info. I send you a message though. I still have many questions :slight_smile:

Thinking of switching my intended Cryo-Kino to a Cryo-Necro

Now at Wiz1>Cryo1>Kino1>Cryo2

Intending to go Cryo3 then Necro2.

For now I’ve added CON till 120 because I intended to be a Full Con Cryo-Kino. But I’m thinking of switching to the dark side (necro). Should I start adding INT instead now?

Depends on what you’re building for.

PvE: Yes
There’s no reason for a DPS to go full CON for PvE. Besides, your Ice Wall - PP combo is highly affected by INT (matk)

PvP: Probably not
Skeletons are not affected by your stats and Shoggoth’s damage sucks either way. Flesh Cannon has a high enough base damage for it to do decent damage, but hitting targets with it might be a problem. Cryo’s no longer great for PvP though

I think con is better cause u can use animus , that gives u a lot of magic amp, and its very nice… a ful con wiz with animus for sure gives + dmg(&survivor) than a wiz with int

the magic damage from animus isn’t much with how magic amp works.

This is for pve. So I guess I should start to pump int uh. Reason I went full con was because I wanted to be a support cc in pve but if I’m going to be necro2 and deal damage int would probably be the way to go now uh?

Is 120 con too much though? It is what I have now. And is it a good build though? Like better than cryokino.

Nice post!, would like to add some information for those that are considering necro;

Decay is broken.

A fletcher can make 1000’s of arrows. A necro has a 300 corpse limit with skills using up to 10% of that pool. Necros have to set up their gathering abilities appropriately or not be able to gather corpses. If I could pre-gather 50,000 corpses, we wouldn’t have this problem.

Necro is fundamentally broken as a circle 7 caster. No one comes close to cookie ele3/warlock dps. I’m not asking for damage. I want pets that aren’t in special education classes.

Having shogoth lead ahead of you as a tank or meat shield it is… or having a 80+ range AOE taunt aura for it would make it more viable, including animation and attack fixes.

Base AI issues across all pets need to be addressed. Other issues as listed by another in a diff thread, I’ll quote

•If you use “Flesh Hoop” and “flesh Cannon” right after, your “Flesh Hoop” dissapears.

•His pets AI is a joke…

•His pets run way to slow… they are left behind if you level at normal speed. because they stop following you if you run out of vision range (screan-vision)

•Shoggoths attack animation is like watching matrix with slow motion effects.

•Skeletons defense, hp attack, or any stat does not scale with anything. my skeleton are the same with lvl224 and lvl 280 (~2600hp, 1k attack, 0def)

•You cant resummon skeletons, for example if you have lost your skeletons on the map, thanks to a elevator or teleport, the cant resummon them because they are still alive…

•Pets should have some kind of reduced aoe-dmg and increased knockback resistence…because they are permanently thrown across the room dealing zero dmg at bossfights.

•Because pets are chasing mobs for ever and, they will run out of vision, and i they do they will stop any action…they are just standing right next to their target, watching it. NOT HITTING.

•decay doesnt work on mobs…they are affected by it. but their max hp isnt reduced at all !

•“Corpse Tower” and “Dirty Pole” are just ■■■■…

•IF you gave us a 2nd ressource to spend…atleast give us some kind of 2nd ressource bar…its a joke that i have to open my Necronomicon to check my corpse-count.

•Since “Flesh Cannon” is the only real dmg abilty of a necro, its rather weak compared to other wizard abilitys at the same level. (Rank6 for example) “Frost Cloud” has no cast time at all and deals more dmg…i shouldnt even mention Rank7 since warlocks “Pole of Agony” and “Dark Theurge” are superior to everything ingame and of course they instant casts aswell…but thanks for the 3s casttime on “Flesh Cannon”
All of these fundamental issues needs to be fixed since the EPIC nerfbat hits to sorc and necro have rendered this circle 7 build full blown retard.

On the AFK farming note, semi-afk is 20-25% effective, full afk is not effective due to the competitive market and how shogoth just goes off willy nilly and doesn’t come back. Skellies die super fast, so they’re useless af.

I can 100% super farm while actually playing. Any caster or pew pew class can do the same, actually better because their damage is instant cast or instant. Even melee, can auto attack with a weight on your attack button for afk.

What does this class bring to the table? A whole lot of disappointment.

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Hello! I just recently got to Necro C1 and I’m currently planning out my skills for C2. I have a couple of questions that I would love if you could answer:

  1. How is corpse tower in terms of damage? Does it equal, say, a single hit from flesh cannon (1 out of the 16 hits)? Or two hits?

  2. Does corpse tower damage scale with skill level?

  3. I haven’t experienced the problems you mentioned about shoggoth. It follows me around and warps to me when i get too far, so maybe this has been fixed. So my question is, are those issues still present in skellies?


  1. a single hit from my lvl 5 Flesh Cannon deal ~1,9k damage (0% attribute, no QC, with a 300atk staff) and a hit from corpse tower is ~900 damage (damage stay the same even if i unequip my weapon)

  2. I don’t know (i do not dare to lvl it past lvl 1 :sweat_smile:) but from what i heard, it does not scale with lvl

  3. The Shoggoth and Raise Dead AI is the same, i think. Once they attack an enemy, they will keep attack it until the mob dead, no matter where you go (unlike summoning from sorc). They will warp back to you only if they defeat the mob they attack

Flesh cannon makes 16 hits. My lvl 5 flesh cannon at lvl 212 350 int almost one shot everything in alemeth.

Flesh cannon at rank 7 can do 200k damage just from own experience, maybe more with better gear. This, AOE. So i don’t see necro bad, broken maybe some things, but just for Flesh cannon alone worth it.

Ok but you are talking about FC with Quick Casting?


what happened with this skill?

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