Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 7-9 Advice

Hi looking for some advice and maybe information between two of the possible choices that interest me.

Wiz 3 -> Elem 3 -> Rune Caster -> Sage 2
This is the one I’m most interested in. To me it looks the most fun to play, but concerned about its damage and how it fares at late game content, I like to min max normally, but based on some videos it looks pretty fun to play.

How would this fair against the meta build of

Wiz 3 -> Elem 3 -> Warlock 3
This is the top rated and is known for great AoE and single target damage, but how would you rate how fun it is to play?

Would I be gimping teams if I went the Rune Caster -> Sage 2 route? Is it even a viable path after the changes?

Any reason you are drawn to RC Sage2? It works well, sage skills hit hard and RC has its perks.

The meta with warlock is slightly stronger DPS and a lot better AoE wise. IMO, it is more fun to play too since the RCSage2 has so many buttons it doesn’t feel efficient to rotate skills. And the AoE is smaller so obviously it takes longer to clear content.

RC -> Sage 2 just looked fun, it had mobility from blink, the rune of ice seems like it would synergize well frost sphere and hail storm. Alongside Dimension compression pulling tankier enemies together, and rune of destruction lowering magic resist.

Overall just looked like there was more variety in skill variation? For Warlocks I noticed they had very small hotkey bars and used like 6-7 skills in total. Was worried that it would maybe get boring doing the same rotations over and over again. But hard to say, just want to be late-game viable.

Realy, trying to go for Nak Muay, but man, it`s a tough quest get those Red Meduja Essences