Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 7 & 8 of Elememe

I’m sitting at 10k HP (3 Plate Roxona + Roxona Glove) with lv40 Plate Mastery
How much CON should I invest more ? I’m worried getting one shot later. I’m having quite a hard time in Dungeon lv 190 (magic part)
Where to put leftover skill points ? Rain or Meteor ?

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Its kind of hard to say atm.
It really depends on how committed you are to grinding the silver and which combat area you wanna specialize into.
PvP (expecially GvG) youll need a lot more HP, 1:1 con-matk maybe even full con. For PvE you dont need a single point in con really.
You can get quite a bit of HP through gear, gems, gear awakening, and Trancendense. If you are willing to really invest silver, you can stack quite a bit of HP after rank 8 comes out.

By committing to making a hell lot of silver I mean somewhere around the range of 1 billion in 1 year (going by current meta). Of course youll be spending a big chunck of that to reroll every trancendence cube once your inventory fills up.

Also meteor is a waste of time as long as its not changed. Might be useful in your average battle league but using it in GvG just gets you killed (revenge). Id keep it at lv 1-5

I did mention its useful in battle league. In GvG youll be sniped before you know whats up if you charge that thing. Rely on ausirine? Youll be cced immediately.
Dont think your opponents are bllind.

That was meant as a reply but I wrote over my old post -___-
Your 50k meteor seems decent outside for now.
In pvp youll be more likely to hit around 10k (strong guilds stack crazy def & mdef).
Also when mobs have 300k+ hp 50k isnt worth anything for a 4.5 sec charge time.

(one more thing, pple love to jump)

I’m oriented in PVE and have 0 intention of doing PVP
I just want to get minimal HP so I could stay alive rather than being dead often

Well I think Rain is for the uptime and yes Meteor scales quite poor. I only use Lv 2 for now and it’s pretty small meteor. I only use it for farming / grinding silver (best way to grind silver is still Demon Prison right?)

Does elememe is viable for PVP though (2vs2 or 5vs5) without Stone Curse ?

For 2v2 and 5v5 a couple points into stone curse is alright since they wont necessarily have bloodletting. In GvG its pretty trash.
Since youre going PvE that makes things a lot easier. It comes down to the question of how much silver youre willing to invest.
The more you invest, the more you can afford to go full int.

Lets just say…
If youre weekly income is over 10mil, go full int.
If around 5mil, go 4:1 int con.
If less than 5mil, go 3:1 int con.
(this is going by current meta)

Yes listen to this guy.
Now that I think about it again meteor is better than rain honestly.
They are both trash skills. I just hate meteor a bit more QQ

Just look at how it scales
Lets say you have 4000matk+property atk+amp.
Lv 5 meteor is (4000+1981)*4 = like 24000. Lv 10 meteor is (4000+3229)*4 = 29000. A 21% difference… UGH
Edit - not saying frost cloud scales any better but the skill is inherently strong, might as well 5/5 it.

wiz3ele3wlk at 279 here (well 280 if i use a few exp cards, saving em). PvE oriented.

i really find it hard to find a situation where Rain gives me an upperhand. long CD, short duration at Lv.1. and Electrocute doesnt really have that much damage in the first place so i dont find +35% from Rain a game changer for end game content. i consider it a filler skill and for farming low HP mobs.

Decent filler skill I guess, not a fan of it.
Looking at it here it does quite poorly :confused:

well, 11hits on the first mob yes. but with all the high HP mobs, i just couldnt rely on it. i mean, i use it all the time but only as a filler skill. i have it at level 14 for max bounce. the issue though is Rain. cant use it that much due to long CD ang short duration at Lv.1. i also hate the casting. so i should have invested that 1 level of Rain to Electrocute instead, so lv. 15. so i can have hit 1more mob with Divine Might.

Edit: i meant i have it at Level 14, not 9. (edited)

Yea just at this point we mages are in a pretty tricky spot.
Warlock 2 really offered nothing extra. Only if mastema had at least the same dmg potential as frost cloud… Its hard enough to group 10+ mobs together in mastema’s small area, the total damage is less than 1/2 of frost cloud zzzz

In otherwords, all skills in the elememe path besides frost cloud and dark theuge are filler… Thats not a good sign lol.
With trancendence we can keep frost cloud relevant for r8 and hopefully also for r9, which means r9 will be make or break for this build :confused: The worst part is that if you wanna remain strong for r8, then you gotta invest tons of silver and risk losing hundreds of millions if r9 turns out bad lol

Of course its fine now, thats why we are meme lol
My point was about keeping up after r8 comes out :frowning:
I have 90+ on both DT & FC and im feeling pretty pessimistic about r8

So 15 Electrocute when Divine Might is on I can hit more mobs ? People are suggesting to take it lv 14 though.
What’s your invested stats like ? I’m doing 5:1 INT:CON right now

Electrocute is as good as Magic Missle when there’s a lot of mobs. Nothing can beat magic missle as it is the best skill with reasonable cd imo

Does the Rain cast time works like Energy Bolt ? or like Hail ?
And I haven’t research about WL skills though. What are must have skills for this job ?
Look at Fencer C2 > C3 is quite good.
Jobs with least improvement in c2 are good in c3 (?)

I’ve seen that video before. It’s impossible for me to take 100 lv of attribute in FC because I wanted to spent those silvers in another char.

OOT question, what add on does he/she have for the cooldown tracker on the left side? It’s quite good

+7 Corona only though ? If I’m not mistaken

Not sure what you are implying :X
Were still good vs ground mobs yea, im worried more about bossing tbh
We took warlock for the single target dps, which is great at r7.

Will have to see :slight_smile:
It certainly requires investing quite a bit of silver to remain good.
But our bossing potential has definitely paled.

it is alot better than Magic Missile, yes.

lets just hope that Warlock C3 turns out to be something like Ele C3. Ele1 & Ele2 were kinda meh but Ele3 turned things around. Hope Mr. Kim gives us something game changing just like Frost Cloud. A Dark property version of Frost Cloud would be nice. With some nice damage scaling and hits Flying Mobs.

Watching this makes me sad lol (boss has 2.5mil hp)
*Not to mention his gear sucks, only 1800 matk