Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 10 Elementalist3-FF3

Well, someone did a similar topic for the meta ele-lock, so I think we should discuss Ele-FF as well.

Here’s my actual build, full CON

What could be the best option for rank 10 in this build?

Here are some thoughts I had so far:

Rune Caster
Rune of Ice to use with Hail. Rune of Destruction for an extra damage skill and Def reduction. Rune of Protection to prevent knockdowns. Rune of Giants could have some use if it were possible to use Blood Curse with that extra HP, really sad it isn’t.

Basically for switching CON and INT, so I can have an extra matk if much HP isn’t needed. Shrink body can work as a debuff to use with kundela slash too (even helping with it hitting more monsters). Swell left arm can offer more matk when there is no other thauma in party.

Adding CC, and combing with electrocute.

What are other good options?

How about linker? It increases poison damage with the attribute. Turns FF’s skills into AoE if elementalist’s skills are on cooldown.

good, but CD is too high. Also, JP 5 can link only 5 targets. Throwing away one whole rank just for this is kinda lame :confused: (I’ve already tested wiz2-link1-Ele3-FF3 once, and didn’t like it)

Yea well, I don’t like linker1 either.
How about Pyro1 for flame ground + Meteor, enchant fire for occasional auto attack?

I still think thauma1 is best. Swell Left Arm has synergy with Magic Missile I heard. And with so many offensive spells in Elem and FF, I think support filler works best.

I’ve considered this too, but mainly for that extra +15% damage with staff mastery on fire skills (it shoul apply to Meteor as well, but I’ve never tested it).

Oh, yeah. This is true, it doubles magic missile damage.

You have no choice. Any Elementalist with the r10 update will have to take RC, otherwise your Hail skill is dead. Otherwise, take pyro1 and switch your Hail points into Stone Curse.