Tree of Savior Forum

Ranger 3 pointless?

Spread Shot 5100 base 3 times is stronger :slight_smile:

When you played the last time solo ? You shouldn’t just evaluate skills for what they are doing for you, but also for your party. I’ve 3 Wizzys (263, 253 and 231) and i can tell you, that Falcon attack in PvP is the most annoying ■■■■ ever :smiley:

Im also curious about the synergy of Koochaksal and Circling (If there is some). The skill shots homing missles, like Magic Missles from Wi3. Ever seen what happens if you fire MM into Mobs w/o AoE Def ratio? :slight_smile:

If there isn’t any synergy, you still got that nice AoE debuff and that little bit CC of your Falcon

Overall, i think it will be solid cuz:
All the stuff just buffs my damage for Mergen (Steady Aim, Swift Step) + Utility (Hide, Silence, KnockBack, Bleed, Armor Penetration). The rest of the skills are just for leveling up :). As for filler during Mergens CD, i gonna use Bodkin Point and Cross Fire.

From what I just read, mergen skills is able to create critical damage?

Ranger 3 only worth when u dont have any class to go on, dont want to pvp dont pick scout doesnt want to go Cannon dont have to pick Falcon want to be Wugushi then Ar2 isnt much worth it so basically i would recommend stick with Ar2 Ranger 1-3(take it or not really depend on w/e u want to be)

ps. Ar2 is awesome any crit dependent class should take it so u can get more STR to make ur build awsome