Tree of Savior Forum

Raise + Meteor / Rune of Destruction

Can you hit enemy in Raise state with Meteor / RoD???

Meteor can easily be avoided just by jumping… So is this theory also apply to Raise ??

isnt there anyone to experience this???

U can hit them with this 2 skill under raise state

what about Frost cloud??
can i hit them under raise state??

fc no cuz its ground skill

wel thank you for the ansewr

You should definitely check it out in Team Battle League. For example Flesh Cannon(it hits normally both ground and fly units) does hit monsters in Raise. But it never hits players in Raise in TBL.

so are u saying theres enemy at raise State is differencer between PVE and PVE???

It is definitely difference for Flesh Cannon and Raise, I dont know about the other skills. It is only to test. Raise is a very strange skill.

OMG now im really confused to pick best CC Class to follow with my W3 Ele3…

there are 2 option
w3 ele3 kino2 (kino3 at rank9)
w3 ele3 chrono2 (chrono3 at rank9)

suggestion please

Chrono is not a CC class at all. Time stop is lvl1 debuff with long cd and makes targets immortal during its duration. Psy2-3 for Ele3? I dont know, strange choice. Make a WL and Sage, and you’ll be fine. You need to kill fast and not die, Sage plus WL make you much more durable.

im thinking on casting Frost Cloud and telekinesis enemy on it…

or i can MF enemy (MF can be targetted easier than Sleep) and cast sleep after… and cast QC + Meteor + Agni necklace ( kinda sure death )