Video seems so bait considering test subject manticen. Like hop corsair shinobi does around the same burst, if not higher already. Falls out really quick on worl d bosses with average 12m hp imo.
I’m more concerned about Dethrone having 2 hits instead of one:
2 hits from a skill that deals 16k damage at Lv5 with 2 overheat charges and 16sec cooldown is definitely OP.
Bait or not, it makes a difference.
Have they changed Gung Ho to % yet?
I guess this means highlander3 hop2 dragoon2 is king?
Skull swing is an even bigger damage boost to low base damage stuff like stabbing, dragontooth, serp, dragon soar, pierce, than spear lunge is
oh and it’s multiplicative with spear lunge and serpentine debuff
Technically I guess Highlander3 Hop1(or barb1) Doppel1 Dragoon2 would be better since deeds is also separately multiplicative with serpentine debuff, but annoying
i have that same build but know i’m more concerned about the new skill of the squire C3, “Deadly Combo” because it doesnt work with spears.
the problems is that it is a pretty good skill: 13 sec cd, 2 overcharges, damage enemies in front (like piercing) and has +900 dmg on lvl5.
So i’m thinking about leave the hoplite c2 with piercing, stabbing and synchro trusting on lvl 10 each (good bye finestra) and then choose Murmillo which works on the same ways as that new skill and the peltasta class.
BUT doing this im just throwing away the hoplite…
Am i the only one not liking that many R8 classes can dish out 40k~100k dmg per hit?
Not only does that make lower rank skills even more useless than they already are, i find the idea that one day we’ll probably have normal mobs with 1+ million hp running around utterly ridiculous and a bit stupid. I’d rather have new skills only very slightly more powerful than earlier skills, so all skills stay relevant.
Probe Tip: if it’s too good… it’s gonna get nerf
Don’t worry they’re still not as good as skyliner
people enjoy games more when the numbers are bigger.
Dopp three is in a difficult spot for point allocation. Two handed swords have a hard enough time as it is why screw them over with this.
not that OP, dragon have a LOT of bonus dmg to large mobs and bosses, 40% and 20%
its always was meant to be a boss killer
why did you drop finestra? that is important specially in blocking since i have pelt c1.
Could you elaborate a little…
but not too much xD
About Redel and Zucken attributes:
“의 공격 횟수가 좀 더 많아져 총 대미지량이 +100% 증가합니다.”
This is the same line in both skills and translating this (by Google) is something like that:
“It becomes more of a large number of attacks will increase the total amount of damage done + 100%.”
So, Redel has 5 hits + 100% = 10 hits?
I’m pretty sure it has more than 10 hits in gifs.
nop its exatly 10 hits in the video (redel)
he uses zucken right after it (in the end)
I noticed that, but I think it was more than 10 hits in both skills.
If they keep adding ranks (say up to 10), one would have so many useful skills that it would make hard to hoktey them all. So you replace “old” skills with stronger versions.
hotkey isnt the problem
the thing is, some skills have like 30 sec cooldown and once u have a lot of skils, ur skill rotation will be full and u won’t even need the low level ones, so u will end up reseting and getting only the most useful to max level and buff too
how about this build?
look at the video of headbutt skill, 120k damage to the monster. lol
and also, i retain the finestra at 10/10 instead of synchro trusting. just switch to spear when activating finestra buffs. i think it’s an important buff. and then you can switch back to sword for all the damaging skills like Piercing, Stabbing, Thrust, Bash, Umbo Blow, Rim Blow, 데들리 콤보, Frenzied Slash, Evade Thrust, Headbutt, Scutum Hit… LOL