Tree of Savior Forum

R8 Swordsman Skills Translation

epee will have no cd if you have a gem for it and a +2 level weapon.

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the only problem is.
first there is not even rank 7 gems in the game yet, even more rank 8, but they can be implemented in the future without doubt.
second: some players on ktos forum said that venier +2 is not working on the fencer 3 skills , since it seems to have a hard cap limit of 5, , or can be a bug, someone posted this on reddit, if it is true about venier +2 not working, i do not know.

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Can anyone translate murmillo cassis crista passive skills?

you mean this?

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It should be a bug, there’s no reason for the +2 fencer skills to only affect ‘some’ fencer skills. With venier or say lolopanther rapier it will have a 9s downtime, 6s with divine might, and 3s if they add the monster gem in the future.

Question about Doppels new “Sturtzhauw” skill:

Does this reduce enemies defense for a certain duration so other skils ebenfit from it, similar to Skull Swing, or is the “defense ignored” only for this skill, aka only this skill ignores 375 def but won’t affect other skills?

Edit, see below post

Oh, thats really nice. So can be used as a substitute for Skull Swing, for example for those who didn’t go High3 but Barb3 instead?

yes but a weaker version of skull swing, as skull swing reduces armor by 0.

er… no? the atack ignores defense but its not a debuff…
and yes it has been tested, i’m not talking sht…
they want everybody to go highlander3>barb1>doppel
ill not be surprised if they add more bleeding stuff at R9-R10…

Sorry about that

Apparently it’s only for the skill itself (you can see theres no debuff).

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With new Doppel C3 videos, which conclusion have you reached about “fake multi-hits”?

it is fake multihit, redel can hit 10-15k and the new skill, with base dmg ok 4k only hit 4k.
ill go for 1 point or none in that one =/

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without doubt it may be bug, but saying that is because it does not affect is false, since we have MANY skills on the game with hard cap level, that would not go UP does not matter what you do and this is what i have wrote in my msg.
but like i said once we take imc record in context the bug seems to be more plausible but calling everything bug like that is not a nice thing to do because we do not have confirmation IF the skill can go up or not , nor that is fact true if they are having this situation since like i have said, it was just a rumor that one guy on reddit said, without any SS or proof so there is not need to even be nervous with it.
but again i will say, it is probably a bug.

Can someone tell me if Epee Garde affects all attacks or just pierce attacks?

My conclusion is that DT is OP.

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For PVP reasons, needs confirmation.
Does Epee stance remove/unequip the shield as a whole? can we still use Pelt/Rode shield skills while Epee Stance is active?

Says can be used with rapier + shield so maybe only the defensive stat of shield is taken off.

@Akter Just pierce. From dev blog.

… the “Epee Stance” dramatically increases the critical damage of pierce attacks in proportion to the skill level.

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now this has become more and more annoying
from uptime not 100%
venier +2 skill didnt work for C3
now epee garde just pierce attack, then flannconade will fail

damn IMC is retard

Funny how lancer gets 30% chance to knockdown attribute and murmillo gets 25% chance to reduce 100 damage… its almost a joke like the 10% int damage bonus on finestra.

Maybe it adds up, but it should be a % off damage or even better extra 30% chance to resist knockbacks.