You forgot to quote [quote=“Sandu, post:30, topic:346830”]
1h magic defense weapon.
aka Pierene Sword. In short, that’s two (2) Practonium worth of items already.
I get the 2.5K without a single 315+ equipment, or anything above Stage 2 transcend and only five (5) Nuaele cards (I can add up to three more).
Additionally, I haven’t bought the Enchanter’s MDef buff yet, so there’s that. That’s my standing stats without any Practonium based gear and no buffs.
AKA very achievable.
Instead of wasting your money or/on Practonium(s), buy Lv1 Nuaele cards instead. They go for about 5.5 ~ 7.0m here in Varena, the total cost of five (5) of these would still be just under a single Practonium (+ you can buy them one at a time).
Level them up by using all your characters (below Lv290) to rush Lv50 DGs. Reroll the cube (pay 20k), and you have a very high chance of getting a card.
Rinse-repeat to level up your cards quickly.
Getting that +10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 percent (%) and beyond M.Def via Nuaele will pay more dividends than dumping your money on a Pierene Sword and/or Lionhead shield to compensate for the missing M.Def and Magic Damage Reduction (via 4/4 effect) you can’t get thru Plate.
Paying that minuscule 700 to 900 Silver for a Lv17 Aspersion from Pardoner is enough to jack up your P.Def with just Yellow Gems in tow.
Final note: Solmiki Plate set is probably the only exception as that has a 7-part set effect specific to people’s needs. Then again, if you’re wearing [that], you don’t need advise.