Tree of Savior Forum

R8 Cleric Skills Translation

All the skills say strike type so they should all be physical

From what I read in some translation, the multi-hit skill has a minimum + number rolled (I remember it being 3 but not sure), so it will not end being 0 never. Can’t find the link now, I guess I translated directly from the korean skill descriptions.


Henge stone was a skill to add any magic circle from any cleric skill, wasnt it??

And now they changed it to work same as divine might??

Do u think its better or not?

I was thinking of castinng 2 zaibas / cast would be op… Now it just increases the level of zaibas skill


malleus is magical, idk why it says physical

Is this a good build for Inquisitor? Cleric 2 > Diev 2 > Monk 3 > Inqui?

It would have been interesting if henge stone for druid, also prevented the magic circle from being destroyed while the stone is up.

No. In the previews it looked like it was adding more circles because increasing the level of Heal adds more circles to it

The preview vids are working now :smiley: Too bad most of them don’t actually show how the skills work lol

Didn’t inquisitor have something to increase damage based on target matk? Was that scrapped? Was it built into a skill? Is it in there but google translate sucks donkey ballz?

Storm call gives 50% boost in melee atk so a chapl maybe come a Nice combo :thinking::thinking:

Hey do you think inquisitor can fit an c2diev3druidPD build ? Since i will mostly do damage with rank 8 skills The others ranks will only support me with ausrine and other statues, safety zone and self heal, and mind control ? Well Druid doesnt bring much anyway… but can transform enemies in plant for +20% damage with diev attribute from blunt weapons, Pd for OPness on PvP :slight_smile:

Also im currently on Druid so not an options change until this point lol

It’s a bit worse than this actually… The multi hits on Double Hit Chance will do a % of the main hit - 10% per level. So a kabba2 can get to 50% (or 60 with divine might), and kabba3 will do 100 or 110%.

what will be the best pvp?
PD c2 or kabbalist c2?

any new offensive buff/skills that can synergize with melstis? the inquisitor wheel is labeled as melee buff but i doubt it’s a regular time-limited buff.

PD2 /20characters!!!

card buffs :slight_smile: /20characters

Sad… that is really bad. And to think my top 2 characters now are R7 Kabbalist and R7 cannoneer. :sob: Really hope they do some balancing and give something Kabbalist can utilize. Given C2 merkabah attributes effectively changing the move into a mobile safety zone, it also effectively removes the skill usage as a dps skill. (Merkabah still do some damage).

Kabbalist need some other attack skill to balance this out. The best will be making Double hit chance into a player buff like so:

Double Chance - Party buff.
Duration: 25secs
Cooldown: 30secs

Whenever a player is buffed with Double chance hits a monster affected by Notarikon or Gematria, It deals X number of hits, where X is the number rolled and consumes the number debuff on the monster.

This allows the kabbalist to maintain the double chance buff while using both Notarikon and Gematria to bestow multi-hits to the next attack every 10 secs (Notarikon and Gematria cooldown). The % of main hit can remain as is. Moreover with this it isn’t considered overpowered due to it having many pre-requisites just to pull it off (Notarikon/DoubleChance/Attack skill).

At least with this it makes kabbalist more interesting and a choice for players to consider speccing into. Right now it is totally not worth considering going into C2 if we put the class upgrades together with the other classes like PD, inquisitor and taoist.

On inquisitor. Are all of inquisitor’s skills dependent on physical attack of the player? Or is the class like paladin where some skills are int based and some strength based?

How is the damage of the skills for a pure Int/Con inquisitor?

The last skill with the long (oh wait… they all have long names) complicated name is magic attack based

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Ohoh it is the Malleus Maleficarum? Thanks XD. It means that Inquisitor is actually a good choice for me.

Am running the C2->Diev3->Paladin1->Kabbalist1 Int build. With carve and owls being able to combo with the wheel, and Inquisitor pears bestowed with R7F reflecting full damage back, going Inquisitor1 is a better progression than Kabbalist2 currently.

Any videos on the class attribute Burning? The one with flames appearing on heal tiles. Wonder how much damage it does and whether it is affected by Int or heal power (int + hp recovery) too.