Tree of Savior Forum

R10 for FF farmer?

So basically the question is what to get for R10 for the standard Wiz2>Link2>Thauma2>FF3 farmer. I was thinking either Link3 or Thauma3. This is purely from a farming perspective.

  1. Link3 can provide more links (10). However, at Thauma2, the maximum you can swell is only 8 targets, leaving 2 targets unswelled. Link2 and Thauma2 fit nicely because the number of swelled targets corresponds to the number of targets linked. If you are unlucky there is a chance that your rare drop is dropped by an unswelled monster? Spirit shock is a real plus for single targets if lets say you want to use this class to clear saalus. Lifeline isn’t that useful since we use this mostly for solo farming

  2. Thauma3 can provide Swell Brain, which means you probably need not gear your FF3 that much since you can get more bonuses from Swell Brain? But having just 1 new buff for a R10 honestly seems a bit underwhelming. Granted you could still max your Swell Left Arm but still. And if we choose this option, would it be better to go full SPR from a solo perspective? SPR can have a stronger swell brain and also solve MP problems (if anyone have them)

  3. Not sure if there is any other R10 that can make the FF-farmer build better. If anyone have any suggestions please do help out.

Try wiz2-link3-thauma3-ff2. Since you’re already familiar with each class’ capabilities you know going full spr there will give all what you’ve stated. 10 linked and swelled mobs and can actually do it in the new HG baubas cave. With link3 and thauma 3 you’re not just a farmer build but also a support role for CM or other party play.

Need someone to compare my farming gear in baubas though not sure if I’m still considered with average equipment. I have 4.7k matk normal and 6.8k with thauma buffs.

Honestly, the new HG sucks so much to farm with a Linker/Thaum build, that it’s better to just make an useful character for Challenge Mode (for quickly soloing stage 5, more specifically). That being said, Linker3 is better for FF characters since Lifeline is simply great for party content.

FF is a difficult class to work with since it’s full effectiveness is centered around Linker/Thaum, which limits your offensive choices.

As Pokart mentioned, Support builds are frustrating in the new HG. I would go a full aoe/high offense build for that alone.

I’m currently wiz3 linker 3 thaum 3 RC and rune of destruction 1 shots the mobs in the new HG. Only downside is the 100 silver to cast the rune, but I don’t really see it as a problem for me.

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What’s your matk btw? That makes 2 of us using support builds in the new HG.

is it a wizard class that can do it with average gear?

7988, trans 10 primus rod with +11 enhance. Full SPR

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I don’t think so. Soloing Challenge Mode stage 5 with average gear is Cleric territory.

But maybe you can try soloing CM5 on Sausys Room 9 with a lvl 390 Wizard character?

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Here’s my spot in the new HG. What do you guys mean by frustrating to farm there with support builds?

I’m currently wiz3 linker 3 thaum 3 RC and rune of destruction 1 shots the mobs in the new HG. Only downside is the 100 silver to cast the rune, but I don’t really see it as a problem for me.

+1 to this

I roll with wiz2 linker3 thaum3 RC FF1 so i can have blood sucking to restore HP, this gives me boss PVE utility as well with bone pointing.

It takes good gear (i use +16 primus 350 stage10 rod), and 81+ in attributes for RoD and RoJ for filler when Destruction is on CD, but it works.