Tree of Savior Forum

Quick question on Thau, specifically Swell Right Arm

H’ok so… Swell Right Arm increases your magical attack when using Daggers, yes? Does it increases your overall magic attack rather than just adding magical strength to the Dagger?

If so, then using Swell Left and Right Arm alongside Swell Brain will all attributes maxed would provide…

154 + [50 * 3] + 111 + [50 * 3] + 45 + [50 * 2] = 304 + 261 + 145 = 710 additional magic attack

Is that correct?

Afaik yes, did the same calculations but it’s all theory. Would like confirmation!

it is.


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Your math implies that you can use “pass” every time those skills are off CD which isnt true while Thauma has 100% uptime on his buffs.

Chrono is better for burst dps while thauma might be better at sustained dps.

Also noone forbids to have both chrono and thauma…

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