Tree of Savior Forum

Quick question about rain

Hey guys, after the 30min server mant from yesterday im having too many troubles with rain, after finishing casting the skill nothing happens, i did some test and sometimes i can cast it but most of the time my char goes into the “deploying magic” animation and then nothing happens x.x, is this only happening to me?

Happens to me too sometimes. My guess is it’s server lag or unstable connection to the server.

I think it’s bugged when you cast rain with quick cast

Eh???.. Someone is interested in lil ol’ me? (; Rain-sama is here for all your wizarding needs.


Please stop being an issue >=|

The casting bar animation doesn’t match Rain’s actual cast time
Meteor also has this bug

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alchemist missiles/lethargy/fire pillar have the same bug, you need to wait a couple of second till the “level” of the cast appear to make it work

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at least some skills have bars,

fire pillar and OoB explosion are on the nice category of “you will die trying if your fps is low” cause no matter how much you spam the key, if you don’t leave it on for a sec…

the skill will never activate…

what is that, mobs have flinching attacks… oh well you are fk

l find that quickcast is currently bugged, my metoer cast bar has charged, but level 1 to 9 are very slow

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Thanks for all the answers guys, at the end i can confirm that quick cast its currently not working as intended any wiz3 elementalist can confirm this by using meteor and quick cast, the bar fills up at level 6-7 (somewhere in that range) but it still takes 5 sec to cast a level 10 meteor with quick cast. Rain is in the same state too, the bar fills up even before the skill its actually ready to be used, i hope they fix this asap.

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