Tree of Savior Forum

Quick question about Quick Spell

So, I’ve searched a bit, but haven’t seen anything really conclusive. It have the potential to cut in half your cast time. Ok.
But most spells do not include a casting time, even though they have a “charge” time, like Hail, Rain and Freezing Sphere (yes, I intend on taking the hard path of becoming a Wiz3/Ele3), then, as it’s obvious skills like Energy Bolt and Meteor have their cast times cut in half, does that apply to those other skills with “charge time” and “no casting time”? Also, do they have any impact over skills with no cast/charge, like Earthquake?

I haven’t notice any difference with Earthquake. However QC damage attribute works with all spells.

“Damage attribute”? o_O

It costs around 20k silver to learn all 5 levels of this attribute.

Woah, that’s a GREAT attribute!
Good to know, thanks =D