Tree of Savior Forum

Quick Psycho and Linker questions

Does linking enemies to your icewalls deal good damage? how is it calculated? I’m guessing it’s not a good idea if you’re gonna use single-target spells, but devastating when using AoE spells?

Does Gravity pole deal damage? the videos I’m seeing doesn’t seem to be doing so, while others do. if it doesn’t doesn’t that mean Gravity pole is a good skill for PvP, even in 1v1?

Gravity Pole does damage. It recently got nerfed in kTOS to only do 50% damage in arenas.

I don’t know about the icewall + linker interaction.

The damage from AoE Spells no longer get shared multiple times. If you had 4 linked enemies inside a Flame Ground and 1 outside, they’ll all only be taking as much damage as if they were all just in the Flame Ground, no multipliers, as in it wouldn’t be doing x4 damage.

There’s a thing about “splash” type attacks (e.g. energy bolt) dealing double damage though. One hit shared through the link, and another hit to those in the area of the splash. So the linked targets inside the AoE get x2 damage while the linked targets outside the AoE get x1.

If you link an icewall to a boss, then hit the icewall: The icewall takes 1 damage while the boss takes as much damage as if you were directly hitting it. But this would also cause your icewall to break really fast in parties since the boss is probably taking a lot of hits too.

You could probably link the enemies to your icewall while you use Psychic Pressure on the icewall so the enemies get hit by the psychic pressure damage too, but this would again cause the icewall to break fast since they’ll be taking hits from the ice shards.

TLDR: no practical application of icewall + linker in terms of damage.

Oh…since where on the linking ice wall topic…what if you link an ice wall (nothing else to the links) and then use Psychic Pressure on it? For example you have a max lvl Ice Wall and it wraps around you and you link the ones behind you and one of the links link to the front, and you Psychic Pressure the front?