Tree of Savior Forum

Quick Cast Swell Brain Question

Is it true that the quick cast from swell brain (Lv. 5 swell brain) is a little slower than maxed quick cast from wizard 3?

No, it was exactly the same, tested on RC rune of destruction. 1sec in both cases or the delay is so low (less than 0.1 sec) that it could be lower than the server lag/ping.
The only problem of this attribute is only 2 minutes uptime on a >4 minutes buff.

Thank you for testing. I heard from someone that it was slower and I guess it’s not true.

The one that is worse than Wiz3 Quickcast is the Runecaster QuickCast atribute, it’s only Lv.1 (but it’s 300secs like wiz3) if you don’t have Wiz3. I think besides the lower duration Thauma QuickCast may be slower if you are in a party with Cleric2, cuz Divine Might may not affect SwellBrain atribute but will affect Wiz3 QuickCast.

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Are you sure that DM does not affect swell brain attribute? That would be disappointing

I played ET yesterday and felt it does work with divine Might . There wasn’t linker in the party and the icon was showing level 6

Casting [Swell Brain] activates same-level [Quick Cast] for 3 seconds per attribute level

It should.

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does this 2 stacks ?
like for 100% cast time reduction ?

With other casts , no, the opposite is unfortunately true (we are talking in another thread to even open an issue about as like a rune caster quick cast lvl1 can override entire party)

It doesn’t worth the silver, if u already have Wiz3 its better to use it by ur own maxed skill
Edit: if brain is lv5, quick cas will be lv5 as well

@Naght no, they don’t stack

Swell Brain’s quickcast isn’t a level 1 quickcast. If your Swell Brain is level 5, then you’ll have a level 5 Quickcast.

Does it work if your character doesnt have quickcast learned (didnt go wiz c3?)

yes it does work
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