Tree of Savior Forum

Quick cast + ice wall pressure

Agnis + pyro c1 vs warlock c1 without the qc damage buff.

Is it that useful? I donā€™t find myself being interrupted often actually, just not sure about giving up a who circle for that.

Surespell is really necessary for Cryokino.

Just for setting up icewall + pp?

To prevent interrupted from casting long cast skill like PP, Isa, etc.


Rune Casterā€™s Rune of Ice.

I still donā€™t get whatā€™s Isa :thinking:.

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Itā€™s actually the runeā€™s nameā€¦ when you cast it, the character will say ā€œIsaā€ as well.

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Ragnarok was better when it came to naming because they used the original rune names for the items crafted by the jobclass ā€œRune Knightā€.

By the way, Isa (oisl.) or Eis (goth.) also means ā€œEisā€, the German word where the English ā€œIceā€ stems from, so itā€™s a very fitting name :slight_smile:

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eh, I do fine without surespell on my kino1. PP is no longer interrupted by damage, only knockbacks and statuses. only a few monsters get really annoying about it.

Really? Is it a bug? Because i thought it was a kino3 new attribute that allows PP to be uninterruptibleā€¦

donā€™t ask me, ask IMC.
some kino3 should try out the PP attribute vs weak hits and knockbacks. if it keeps channel even after being knocked around, should be intended. if the attribute has the same or inferior behavior to no attribute, should be a bug.

PP can be interrupted by normal attacks without surespell.

is this with kino3 attribute on? or are you just posting outdated information?

@Sorcerebro Out of curiosity, what attribute are you referring to?

C2 Wizā€™s Surespell attribute and C3 Kinoā€™s Concentration attribute are the same thing.

not just any normal attack will interrupt PP now. it has to have a knockback effect.
it may be a bug or not.
if you tried it recently, you would know.

Oh, I see Thank you.

update. as of this weekā€™s patch, PP is interruptible againā€¦ :sob: