Tree of Savior Forum

Quick Cast does not work with Meteor?

Uncertain whether it was intended or not, but Meteor doesn’t seem to be affected by Quick Cast at all right now. Currently my Meteor is level 5, but I don’t think that’s the problem here.

should work just fine
mind posting a video?

Should work - maybe bug? Each lvl of Meteor adds +1sec of casting time - so normally yours Meteor5 would be casted 5sec, but with QC only 2,5sec.

I compared the casting time to Hail, and Electrocute, both of which also takes 5s to cast before applying Quick Cast. The difference in casting speed was easily felt for those 2 skills, but Meteor… just likes to take its sweet time.

Hail and Electrocute most certainly do not take 5s without Quick Cast.

Hail literally states a 5s cast time so… the game is lying to me?

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no, meteor cast time is not affected by QC

Posted in November…

So it was nerfed? Are you sure - or just guesing? I keep reading on other threads concerning Ele novadays, that it does affect Meteor.

I’m terribly sorry guys, but I can see the difference in cast time now. Not sure why I couldn’t distinguish that last night… Again, my apologies.