Tree of Savior Forum

[Queue times] Getting out of hand

The queue system is in a desperate need of a rework, with the low amount of players it takes way too much time find a party for anything.

Proposed solution: Allow players to continue doing their thing, be it questing, farming etc while they’re queuing for a Dungeon/Mission.
I know this would require some work but if you want to save this game from dying due to people spending half a day in queue then this needs to happen.

This, more than anything discourages me from playing the game because, well, I can’t play the game when I’m stuck in a queue for several hours a day.

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Your level is a bit too high, not many people really queue on that level because grinding gives better exp/hr and higher levels usually solo crystal mines for money

Irrelevant. People shouldn’t be forced to spend hours being ‘paralyzed’ in queue because of a flawed mechanic.

Besides, the wait times for Dungeons are even worse than this.

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No, it’s relevant to your level because my queues don’t even go more than 5 mins on level 100-180 range.

Most people complaining about queue time is at your level, I don’t queue anymore with my high levels because of this, it’s only a waste of time instead of being able to do something productive.

I’d rather have IMC balance this thing up to be like TBL where people are of the same level and give respective exp cards according to their real level. that way you only need 5 people to queue and instant entry.

for dungeon queues yes, I agree with you because people lost interest queuing 115 up

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you enlightened yourself


hue hue

Right…they should focus on balancing PvP which only a fraction of the population takes part in instead of a major PvE problem that affects 99% of the population.
You’re completely missing the point. It doesn’t matter if at my level range less people want to do Missions, the point I’m trying to make is that I shouldn’t be forced to waste hours of my time locked in one spot, not being able to do anything besides afking.
I shouldn’t be forced to choose between Questing/Grinding or queuing for a Dungeon/Mission. These activities shouldn’t be mutually exclusive.

The current queue system only highlights how low the population of ToS is and that leads to more and more people leaving everyday because no one wants to spend hours of their free time locked in queue.

Side note: I’ve spend 40+ minutes in queue at the 100-180 range as well so your claim that it’s a level problem is clearly not true.

No, I’m saying that they should make missions WORK LIKE TBL

-Everyone enters Siauilai as Lv200
-After mission is done,
a Level 300 character will get 10x level 12 exp card
a Level 200 character will get 10x level 9 exp card

you’re completely missing the point.

With that anyone can queue without actually waiting once there are 5 people, get it?

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My bad, I read your post hastily.

Anyway, that could work as well, something must be done, otheriwse I don’t see myself playing the game a month from now. The current queue system is a huge waste of people’s time.

Yeah, I just want IMC to do something with this because a game that is /eventually/ going to have more than 400 levels is going to have a bad time on queue range.

And about what you want, they’re working on it slowly, they posted something about new dungeon UI and being able to move around while queueing, now let’s hope it’s like a dota 2 queue where you can just drop the queue down and do your thing

Most of modern mmo you can queue from everywhere while doing what you want but here, they refuse to talk about why they won’t think about it.

I really hope something will be done, soon. The core gameplay of ToS is a lot of fun but the various mechanics surrounding it feel very poorly thought through, diminishing the whole experience.
ToS feels like it should’ve been in Beta for at least one more year.

Absolutely agree

The only cross-server downside I could possibly see is that people furthest away from the hosting server would have worse ping, maybe? But to solve that they could give people the option to queue normally on only their region or to queue globally.

Additionally they could create a new tab on the chat solely for party matching that could be cross-server as well (and I mean all regions, not just Klaipeda + Orsha or Telsiai + Varena).

Dungeon Queues are also a sad sight. I’ve had trouble finding parties for even lv 90 and lv130 dungeon, which are the most popular besides 290.

The game does well to have different leveled dungeons except it all falls flat because nobody queues for them, they might as well just not exist and not be considered in leveling guides.

I actually think Lostac’s idea for missions is genius.