Tree of Savior Forum

Questions questions

  1. How exactly work crafter classes? I mean can i make potions (Alchemist), buff scrolls (Pardoner) and transfer them to my other chars? Or something prevents that? Does player get to set provision when selling to other chars or the prices are set on speciffic number?

  2. I’ve heard that each char obtain 5tp daily - wether they are online or no - so what prevents players of making like 20 chars in their lodge and then transfer tp to one char (or other acc) and if tp cant be transfered then buy something on each char and then transfer this to another?

  3. Are there going to be stat reset potions?

  4. Can characters/companions be deleted from the lodge?

  5. I hope that late game we will have much more holy attribute monsters - for now there are like 3 total -1lvl,10lvl and 160lvl (or something like that) - thats way to little - comparing that dark attribute monsters take like 22 pages on database and with dark properties classes spreading their wings (warlock) - we can benefit that a lot.

  6. What about plvling low lvl players? Is there lvl difference limit between players that are in one party to get exp for both of them? Are there limit of player vs monster lvl limit to get exp (im talking about case in which monsters have much higher lvl).

  7. Does crafting classes get to set ammount of silver for which they sell their services? So can they decide to do it for free - so free + tax = 0?

Edit: Ahh - wrong place - transfer to general discussion if you can. Sorry.

  1. Alchemist can sell their potions on the market, so I guess you can store them in team storage too, to transfer them to your toons. I don’t know about Pardonner tho :confused:

  2. I think it’s only the team that gets free tp, not every single char ^^

  3. Dunno

  4. If you meant “deleted” Yup

OK thanks :wink:

  1. So what about multiple accounts then - are they banned? If so what with players that will actually play more than 20 chars - like to test all classes

I found out that you get free tp just to 5 total - later you just need to buy for real money. Or spend 5 and earn another 5 and so on. Wandering if tp can be transfered though - like to a friend that will keep it for us to cummulate …

  1. Heh, though i’m not native speaker - THAT was just a typo xD Thanks for correction though :wink: Already edited^^

5,6,7) What about this one that i added during edition?

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