Tree of Savior Forum

Questions for Cryo 3 Chrono 3 gears

So, is high level yellow gem (p.def) for top and bottom and blue gems (m.def) for boots and others then monster gems for Audra viable? I need to be tanky to cc mobs anyway right?

And about audra, since I will just use it for cc, is it viable until lvl 300+ for team plays? the only thing I will be focusing on gearing are armors? since i need to be tanky. Dunno if thats the logic there, or maybe I need some SPR or HPR? dunno really. Opinions and advise anyone?

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full con , yellow on armor blue on shoot , quicken or haste gem if you want.
You can even go conqueror or whichever neck/ + 2 glass braclet for budget.

Nothing else really audra or if you want a rod + dagget to hit your ice wall.


You’re the blessed ones that can get away with full con. :smiley:

stat reset :^).

Jk. I made mine during Halloween so i pretty much got full con. After that i just tag along peers on quest.

Full cons grynas set, plate virtov, or plate lolo. glass bracelet, rhevie, or dhrag from 315 dungeon. Max pet or conqueror for necklace.
Yellow gems for armor.
Blue gems for boots.
Audra for weapon.
Head gear get phy def m def or elemental resistance with hp too if you can.

Should be 50k+hp

Honesly i know chrono running around with knight or roxona plate armor in 330 content and they are doing fine. its one of the cheapest class to play but hell of a time leveling. With sage you are basically near immortal.

Bunny outfit for maximum speed (haste)

if u can only choose one
which one is better for cyro chrono full sup slave?
audra (2lv skill cyro) or ice rod (+1 lv skill cyro) + shield (aias or didel tower shield) / dagger

Audra. You are looking at 50k hp cc tank beast. The benefit from Audra is amazing for cyro.

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Piggybacking on the thread. I am currently leveling an alt PyroLinker2Chrono3. What’s the best weapon setup? I assume a rod + shield? What weapon though :\

Thank you!

yea, audra is good but somehow we lose some survivability aka defensive that we can get from the shield :frowning:

You can use the 315 sword for the magic defense but you wont be doing much damage so your weapon choice will not make a big difference

I’m talking about pre-R8 since our local server doesn’t have it yet (I forgot to clarify, sorry). I guess any rods that can give pdef and mdef then.