Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about the chronomancer

Hi, I like the chronomancer a lot but I’ve realized not a lot of people use it, so I’ve begun to wonder if it is worth it…
I would like to ask some questions to be sure of what I’m doing:
-does Quicken only increase the attack speed of your basic attack or does it work on some skills too?
-if it doesn’t work on anything but the basic attack, what is not really useful in pve nor pvp, why do people say the skill is so good?
-Is there any summon whose attack speed gets increased by Quicken (I think it might work on corpse tower).
-what is the formula to compute the impact of spr on haste and quicken?
Thank You in advance for your help.

Not sure with other servers, but there’s definitely a lot in Telsiai. Perhaps more than half of the population sans the bots and new players at least have one Chrono3 in their team.

Some skills have no pre-cast and after-cast delays and can be use consecutively to the last overheat, only limited by the character’s attack speed. As an example:

AFAIK only Haste works on summons. Need someone else to verify if Quicken does as well.

Didn’t rely on any formula and just incrementally added SPR by 10’s and found that at 350 total SPR (including SPR bonuses from equipment and title collection) is needed for max Haste bonus (8 x 2 = 16).

A lot of people forget that quicken gives crit rate via attribute.

I’ve informed them several times that it’s useful. Similar to archer2/3 not taking swift step share.


Chrono was the most popular support before the nerfs, and after the update it dropped mainly because of the costs to cast Pass. Most players just changed their builds to Thauma. An incredible support class killed by some stupid reagents. That’s how IMC balance their game.

Quicken works on skills affected by attack speed, so it’s very usefull for physical and archers classes overall, combined with its critical rate attribute. Not sure about summons though.

The SPR formula is the level of the player receiving the buffs. If you are buffing a lvl 360 player, you need 360 SPR to cap the buff. If you are buffing a 280 player, you need 280 SPR.

Thank you for all the info, I’ll maybe do it after all, my friend plays an archer, so it might be useful.!

Very helpful thread, thanks everyone.