Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about Support paths

Hello everyone! I’m reading a lot of stuff and making my mind about what path I will follow as a support mage. Seems that the most popular, and maybe the most efficient, is the cryo/chrono build. But I’m always wondering what is the role of a cryo3 as a support on pve content, especially dgs where mobs get half of freezing time. I mean, I can really see the importance of freezing in pvp, but I can’t see how cryo3 will be that essential on a supp build, especially because you don’t focus on dps as a supp, what makes your cryo skills even less powerful (since themselves do not that good damage).

Soooo I was wondering why not go wiz3 > something > chrono3, since wiz3 has some AMAZING cc and debuff skills such Lethargy (around -100 atak & mtak and -32 eva for 30s/18s cd + 100% damage received) and sleep (17s down/25s cd) which works perfectly with Pass, also MM and QC will allow you to “fight for your life” when things get dirty (also opens a nice range of possibilities to get future rank 8+ classes).

I can see a wiz3 > link1 > chrono3 working better than a cryo3 > chrono3 build. I can picture an almost infinite debuff combo with Stop, Slow, Lethargy, Sleep, Pass, Repeat (even for pvp). But please, let me understand how cryo3 is this good on pve supp (especially at endgame content).

Thanks :3

Did you just say repeat Stop? Even with Pass it’s kind of difficult to repeat Stop. Either way there’ll be dispellers and buffs to protect from CC.

The aspect of freezing mobs in PVE is an even more effective way to stop them from doing damage, frozen enemies can’t attack. If you have a Linker or are a Linker, you can bunch them up and freeze them all making them easy pickings for your DPS.

Frost Pillar is also great for bunching mobs if a Linker is non-existent in the party. The only thing not so great about PVE is Ice Wall level 15 because that thing is waaaaaaaaaay too long to make sure of, you only need like maybe 7 grids of it, but I’m not saying you shouldn’t max it. It’s OP in PVP.

16 ice walls that can separate you from the mobs, also deals damages and freezes, you can keep them perma frozen with wall, ice pike, and tree.
Lethargy is really underwhelming, 100 attack is not that much tho…
Some monsters are resistant to sleep I think, and sleep has a attack limit, usually exceeded easily if you have an ele or a hop in your team( they’ll break sleep in 3 seconds or so)
You deal additional damage to frozen targets I believe.
Set up ice wall and have a Melee dps attack it with a high hit count spell to make ice pellets shatter everywhere.
In pvp, plague doctor will nullify all your cc, you’ll be a walking health bar without ice wall and your constant freezes hoping to freeze the person hitting you.

Actually is not that impossible if you get the timing.

First move: Stop - cd 100
Second move: Slow - cd 99~95
Third move: Lethargy - cd 94~64
Fourth move: Sleep - cd 63~46
Fifth move: Pass - cd 45~20

So depending on what you will fill that gap between wiz3 and chrono 3, stop will have around 20s cd after a combo (uless you use lethargy&sleep at same time, so the cd would be around 37s). A cryo or a kino c1 would help get time to repeat. At least on my mind haha

But I got your explanation on cryo3, thanks :slight_smile: